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Fire Based Hallowheart List?


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Hey there everyone! New player here and I'm putting together a somewhat thematic list that I'll hopefully build up to as time goes on. 

The main strategy I'm planning on is trying to screen my Phoenix Guard core with MSU Freeguild Guard while relying on the Flamespyre Phoenix, my Battlemages, and my sorceress to deal the heavy damage.

The Dreadspears are to serve as sacrificial fodder alongside "Look out Sir!" for my Sorceress while the Sisters of the Thorn can be somewhat self sufficient speedy objective grabbers.

As for the Endless Spells, Soulscream Bridge will alleviate the slow Phoenix Guard and Foot Anointed while the Emerald Lifeswarm will keep the Guard or Hurricanum topped off.

I'm still pretty new to the game, so I'd more than appreciate any tips or advice! 


++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Cities of Sigmar) [1,990pts] ++

+ Leader +


Anointed on Flamespyre Phoenix [300pts]
. Anointed: 2. Warden of the Flame, General

Anointed [100pts]

Battlemage [110pts]: Hysh

Sear Wounds, Elemental Cyclone

Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage [280pts]
. Celestial Battlemage: 1. Roaming Wildfire, 6. Ignite Weapons

Sorceress [90pts]:

Whitefire Tome 

Roaming Wildfire, Sear Wounds, Elemental Cyclone, Warding Brand, Crystal Aegis, Ignite Weapons

+ Battleline +

Dreadspears [90pts]: 10 Dreadspears

Freeguild Guard [80pts]: 10 Freeguild Guard, Freeguild Sword, Standard Bearer

Freeguild Guard [80pts]: 10 Freeguild Guard, Freeguild Sword, Standard Bearer

Phoenix Guard [420pts]: 3x 10 Phoenix Guard

Phoenix Guard [160pts]: 10 Phoenix Guard

+ Other +

Sisters of the Thorn [130pts]: 3. Elemental Cyclone, Ignite Weapons

+ Allegiance +

. Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar: Hallowheart

+ Game Options +

Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

+ Realm of Origin +

Realm of Origin: Origin: Aqshy

+ Malign Sorcery +

Endless Spell: Emerald Lifeswarm [50pts]

Endless Spell: Soulscream Bridge [100pts]

++ Total: [1,990pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

Edited by PhoenixLord
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Potential more aggressive alternative.

Cut: soulscream bridge, unit of 10 phoenix guard,  annointed on foot.

Add: second annointed on flamespyre phoenix, upgrade guard to handgunners

The second phoenix makes the reborn ability more reliable, provides more offensive power, and their high movement counters the loss from the bridge. You pop a spell near them and you've got 2 very aggressive mobile units on 3+4+, potentially 10 mortal wounds with Wake of Fire, and every game you should expect at least 1 to return. One of them will likely still be within range of the phoenix guard for their ability and they can also buff each other. 

Why cut the bridge? One of the main benefits of the bridge is power projection. It's typically used with iron drakes/handgunners/sisters of watch. You can teleport and in the same turn delete a key enemy threat. In your list you have the teleport but little power projection. You can cast a few spells but your units are largely just sitting in front of the enemy waiting to get shot or charged in the next turn. Also as phoenix guard are really durable you'd expect them to be able to survive as they move onto objectives.

The issue with the small 10 phoenix guard is that they fulfil largely the same role as the 30. A unit of 10 is too expensive for a screen and there are better/cheaper options if you want a solid countercharge unit (greatswords / executioners).

Handgunners are much better than the standard shield guys. Still effective screens but can dish out some damage with shooting and fire again when they're charged. Of course they'll melt in combat, but so do normal freeguild.

Plus 2 phoenixes is twice as cool and fits with your fire theme.


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7 hours ago, Lord of the Isle said:

Looks cool! And amazing conversion painting potential 

Yep! Plus I have quite a few bits from an old battlemage box that fit well with a flame theme. I just hope that I don't tire of painting orange and crimson. Painting dark blue on my Asuryani kill team got old after a while.

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1 hour ago, Leemer said:

Potential more aggressive alternative.

Cut: soulscream bridge, unit of 10 phoenix guard,  annointed on foot.

Add: second annointed on flamespyre phoenix, upgrade guard to handgunners

The second phoenix makes the reborn ability more reliable, provides more offensive power, and their high movement counters the loss from the bridge. You pop a spell near them and you've got 2 very aggressive mobile units on 3+4+, potentially 10 mortal wounds with Wake of Fire, and every game you should expect at least 1 to return. One of them will likely still be within range of the phoenix guard for their ability and they can also buff each other. 

Why cut the bridge? One of the main benefits of the bridge is power projection. It's typically used with iron drakes/handgunners/sisters of watch. You can teleport and in the same turn delete a key enemy threat. In your list you have the teleport but little power projection. You can cast a few spells but your units are largely just sitting in front of the enemy waiting to get shot or charged in the next turn. Also as phoenix guard are really durable you'd expect them to be able to survive as they move onto objectives.

The issue with the small 10 phoenix guard is that they fulfil largely the same role as the 30. A unit of 10 is too expensive for a screen and there are better/cheaper options if you want a solid countercharge unit (greatswords / executioners).

Handgunners are much better than the standard shield guys. Still effective screens but can dish out some damage with shooting and fire again when they're charged. Of course they'll melt in combat, but so do normal freeguild.

Plus 2 phoenixes is twice as cool and fits with your fire theme.


First off, thanks for the advice! I was thinking about including two Annointed mounted phoenixes but I wasn't sure two would be overkill.  I'm actually glad you mentioned handguns, since I actually have some handgunners laying around. Would you recommend any other changes? My main concern with this concept is that I'm not sure I'll be able to contest objectives all that effectively. 

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