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Help Expanding Tempest Eye 1500->2k


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Hey there. 

I'm working on some knight themed cities of sigmar. Enjoying the pistolier fallback+shoot+recharge combination as the core of the list idea, but also interested in the painting/modelling, and looking for advice on how to add some other types of models for painting variety.

So far I have

1x hurricanum with battlemage

1x Freeguild general ong griffon.

10x pistoliers

10x pistoliers

5x pistoliers

5x outriders

3x gyrocopters

Aetherguard windrunners

1500 points

What would I want to take it to 2k? The most competitive and obvious answer is just more pistoliers and outriders, but I am kinda more interested in some painting variety= and am happy to do substantial converting. I was considering either.

1- An Ironclad filled with arconauts - would probably look for the skycutter chariot to fill this role. 

2- 30-40 dark shards and 5-10 more pistoliers/outriders

3- 30 pheonix guard. 

I could also make some more points by dropping some gyrocopters. I could even switch out of tempest eye, possibly for Hallowheart, Living City or the Pheonix temple, but that would require adding a lot of battleline and several other changes though. Whatever I do, I need to keep a core of the pistol knights. 

Any thoughts on what non-mounted unit to add to this list? Here's what I'm working with so far thematically. For infantry, I'd likely swap in more knight helms to keep the theme going. 




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I think what you need are objective grabbers, and Arkanauts seem quite good for that. With a few Skyhooks, they'll also give you high rend.

If you go for ships, I'd go for a frigate.

Maybe put a wizard on foot close to them, like the stormcast one that dropped to 90.

I wouldn't cut the Gyros, they melt chaff brilliantly.

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