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Exited for AOS & COS (old fantasy player turning an eye to age of sigmar)


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I have been lurking this forum for a while now & today I finally took the first step into collecting my CoS army.

I used to collect Ogre Kingdoms (3000 pts/during the world-that-was) but sadly feel out of the hobby & when I returned (a decade later) where shocked to find my beloved Old World turned to ruins. It took me a long while to get accustomed to this new setting but when I finally did I found it charming & wonderful in its own peculiar & sometimes bizarre way.

My ambition for this venture is to create a CoS from the Realm of Ghur. I intend to start with cavalry, referensing the Vurm-Tai (https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Vurm-tai_nomads).

I hope to eventually emulate what I perceive to be the army of the Crawling City with auxillaries from the Black Marsh Barony (Siege Turtles counting as Steam Tanks anyone?).

As I'm kind of short on cash I will attempt alot of greenstuff sculpturing on my own (hoping that some of my skillset as a mediocre amateur sculptor). If someone has a recommendation regarding cheap substitutes for greenstuff I would be so happy.

I hope I will be able to contribute to this wonderful forum in some way.

Some short notes:

- English is not my primary language.

- Her/she is my pronoun.


Hope to here from you all soon.



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31 minutes ago, MammaHyena said:


I have been lurking this forum for a while now & today I finally took the first step into collecting my CoS army.

I used to collect Ogre Kingdoms (3000 pts/during the world-that-was) but sadly feel out of the hobby & when I returned (a decade later) where shocked to find my beloved Old World turned to ruins. It took me a long while to get accustomed to this new setting but when I finally did I found it charming & wonderful in its own peculiar & sometimes bizarre way.

My ambition for this venture is to create a CoS from the Realm of Ghur. I intend to start with cavalry, referensing the Vurm-Tai (https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Vurm-tai_nomads).

I hope to eventually emulate what I perceive to be the army of the Crawling City with auxillaries from the Black Marsh Barony (Siege Turtles counting as Steam Tanks anyone?).

As I'm kind of short on cash I will attempt alot of greenstuff sculpturing on my own (hoping that some of my skillset as a mediocre amateur sculptor). If someone has a recommendation regarding cheap substitutes for greenstuff I would be so happy.

I hope I will be able to contribute to this wonderful forum in some way.

Some short notes:

- English is not my primary language.

- Her/she is my pronoun.


Hope to here from you all soon.



Good luck and enjoy! 
the concept of the army sounds awesome! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love themed armies that pull from lore overlooked by other gamers. I am also working on a COS army and I find the opportunities for conversion almost limitless. To answer your question on green stuff, try your local home improvement/ hardware store. If you look in the area of the store where glue and epoxy is located you should be able to find two part epoxy called kneadatite. It is about 15 to 20 dollars US for a 36 inch roll.

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