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Barak Thryng


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Can someone help me understand how to get the most out of the Barak Thryng "Take help where you can get it" Rule? I understand 1/4 units can be any Duardin, and with that not counting against ally points you could bring some extra non-KO Duardin as allies as well. I'm wondering, though, how you take advantage of the units gaining "Barak Thryng" as a keyword, since most of our buffs and things seem to operate off "Skyfarers" or other keywords like that. Are there particular Duardin units or combos of units that work well in an otherwise normal KO force? Runesmiter + Fyreslayers seems like a good possibility; I love gyrocopters and gyrobombers, but do they add anything really? Other combos that look good or that you've had success with? Thanks!

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Want the terrible idea? A single duradin unit who would just love having access to the command ability making exploding 6s while also not counting against your allies points?


You are right though. Most of the duradin support units just buff their own keyword (Dispossessed or Fyreslayers), there's no wizard in the entire race you could slot in for casting, and you can't do cheeky things with Fyreslayers and their Invocations. An idea that might work is having a decently large block of melee dwarves to help sit on and hold an objective or serve as a nice anvil. I've seen the idea of the deepstriking Hearthguard with their leader as a melee harassment tool, maybe hide a ship behind them for nice screened dakka, but I'm not sure how likely I would be to do that over just taking more ships and shooting.

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I think the two main benefits your 1 in 4 Duardin units recieve are Chronicle of Grudges (Pick 3 units and all friendly Thryng units re-roll 1s against them), and Honor the Gods, Just in case (once per battle in any phase hit rolls of 6 by one Thryng unit score two hits). Nothing too groundbreaking, but those are what you would want to maximize, and they are mostly focused on damage output rather than durability or movement. Here are some good options I see:

  • Gyrocopters - Solid unit for clearing hordes, and can make good use of re-rolling 1s to hit (whereas the bomber is mostly focused on the mortal wounds)
  • 30 Hammerers - Big hitty unit that can put out a bunch of damage, goes well with a Runesmith for some buffs and dispelling
  • Irondrakes - would go well with a Khemist that has the Soulscream Bridge in a bottle, so they can teleport into range and fire twice (teleport doesn't count as a move)
  • Runesmiter deepstriking with some Hearthguard Berserkers - rerolling those 1s gives you more chances for mortal wounds
  • Gotrek - Just because he's cool :)

Also, if you want to get more eyes on this you might consider posting in the main KO thread. It's been really active since the new book launched.


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Runelord on anvil of Doom seems nice (2 unbinds with 2+ bonus).

There is something cool in using old compendium Duardins too. Don't know if It could be any good but a pair of Duardin Bolt Throwers with a Lord Ordinator could be fun: 4 attacks at 38" hitting on 2+ (maybe with rerolls from Grudges) and every 6+ to wound becomes damage 1D6 and -3 rend. Not good enough for tournaments but but could be fun.   


Edited by Beliman
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On 2/1/2020 at 12:15 AM, Beliman said:

Runelord on anvil of Doom seems nice (2 unbinds with 2+ bonus).

There is something cool in using old compendium Duardins too. Don't know if It could be any good but a pair of Duardin Bolt Throwers with a Lord Ordinator could be fun: 4 attacks at 38" hitting on 2+ (maybe with rerolls from Grudges) and every 6+ to wound becomes damage 1D6 and -3 rend. Not good enough for tournaments but but could be fun.   


Haha they definitely didn’t think off that when making the rules. 😂

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