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Exorcism Soulstrike - Where to go next?


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Hey guys,

i wann to Start the SCE and got a few questions about a GW Box.


(Thats the Box i meant)

I try to do my SCE Bretonia Style like i saw them on Reddit last week. 

I mostly play for fun and style, i dont need  to win every game, but i dont wanne lose every game either.

Now my questions:

1. Is is possible to start a strong Army based on this Box.

2. Are the Evocators on Dracoline a strong unit? Cause i realy like those guys far more then Dracoth and Gryph-Charger.

3. What should i buy next? I planned to buy a Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline, but then? 

Hope you guys can help me.

Thanks anyway.👍


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Definitely get an Arcanum on Dracoline. I used the Asteria Solbright model with a headswap for mine. Pride leader is hands down the best mount trait, giving any DRACOLINE units (including herself) +1 to hit.
Then you can't go wrong with adding a Lord Castellant to buff their saves and a Knight Heraldor to let them retreat and charge to keep that D3 damage on the claws.

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