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Holiday Progress


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So over the holidays I finally procured and started building WarCry Golems, Untamed, and Gitz (Seraphon should be arriving any day).

Phew!! It's crazy to be getting back into GW tabletop games after more than 20 years, but it didn't take much for the muscle-memory to come back. You know what they say, it's just like despruing, deburring, assembling, and gluing a bicycle. 😋

Anyone else have a productive holiday season?

Feel free to post your pics!!

WarCry - December 2019.jpg

Edit: Screen resolution for forum pics is pretty meh. Will upload higher res pics if anyone is interested.

Edited by KhaosSpawn
Whinge about pics screen res.
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Nice work putting all that together. So tempted by the gitz, they look a lot of fun.

Over Christmas I built the vaults scenery set and  am Pratt way through building the flesh eater court starter set. Also ordered some scenery for a campaign so that should keep be busy for early 2020

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