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2000 pts - Sylvaneth Drycha-Outcasts/Durthu Free Spirits


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Pretty new to AoS. Played a few times over the last 4 months with a list from the two Start Collecting Boxes but I really like the sound of a fear based Drycha build. I would be taking this to tournaments as I am a tryhard. 

(Dreadwood Grove)


Durthu - 340 (Jewl of Withering, General)
Drycha - 320 (Regrowth)
Treelord Ancient - 300 (Acorn of the Ages, Dwellers Below)
Branchwych - 80 (Vesperal Gem, Verdurous Harmony)

Spite-Revenants - 60
Spite-Revenants - 60
Spite-Revenants - 60

Kurnoth Hunters Scythes - 200
Kurnoth Hunters Scythes - 200
Kurnoth Hunters Bows - 200

Free Spirits - 140
Outcasts - 100

Total 1980

Idea is to use teleports from Realmroots, Durthu, Ancient and Sinister Ambush to have total control over 1 objective, to then switch at a moment's notice. Drycha + Spites deal with hordes, Durthu/Hunters have rend to deal with high saves.

Not sure if the Branchwych is better off as a Arch-Revenant or Branchwraith, but I'm not sure how good dryad summoning is. It seems really slow IMO. I also didn't include Wraithstone because it doesn't help Drycha's spell.
Apart of me wants a better artifact for Durthu. And I'm not sure if the Vesperal Gem is as good as I think it is. Guaranteed revives on Kurnoth Hunters seem really good.


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I haven't purchased any spite revenants yet so I'm not sure how good they are in battle. As for the branchwych vs archrevenant and branchwraith it depends on if you want to summon dryads (I've been pretty successful with my summons) or boost your hunters, I tend to use my branchwych as a extra caster. I think they're all good choices it just depends on what kind of support you want

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I've thought about doing something like this and unfortunately, I think you need to run a lot more Spite Revenants along with a Horrorghast and Vengeful Skullroot.  Spites die when a stiff breeze hits them so you need quite a lot of bodies in order to get their debuff to stick.  Personally, I think the Free Spirit battalion ability is hot garbage so there's another 140pts to work with.  

While I love Durthu, you really need to make him work instead of him working for you so IMHO, I'd drop him for more Kurnoths or Spite Revs.  I do love me some Drycha and I think she's head and shoulders better than Durthu.  

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