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Liberator (1/10)



  1. Pretty new to AoS. Played a few times over the last 4 months with a list from the two Start Collecting Boxes but I really like the sound of a fear based Drycha build. I would be taking this to tournaments as I am a tryhard. (Dreadwood Grove)HeroesDurthu - 340 (Jewl of Withering, General)Drycha - 320 (Regrowth)Treelord Ancient - 300 (Acorn of the Ages, Dwellers Below)Branchwych - 80 (Vesperal Gem, Verdurous Harmony)BattlelineSpite-Revenants - 60Spite-Revenants - 60Spite-Revenants - 60OtherKurnoth Hunters Scythes - 200Kurnoth Hunters Scythes - 200Kurnoth Hunters Bows - 200BattalionsFree Spirits - 140Outcasts - 100Total 1980Idea is to use teleports from Realmroots, Durthu, Ancient and Sinister Ambush to have total control over 1 objective, to then switch at a moment's notice. Drycha + Spites deal with hordes, Durthu/Hunters have rend to deal with high saves.Not sure if the Branchwych is better off as a Arch-Revenant or Branchwraith, but I'm not sure how good dryad summoning is. It seems really slow IMO. I also didn't include Wraithstone because it doesn't help Drycha's spell.Apart of me wants a better artifact for Durthu. And I'm not sure if the Vesperal Gem is as good as I think it is. Guaranteed revives on Kurnoth Hunters seem really good.Thoughts?
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