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Hi there from Gothenburg

Johan Mars

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Hi there, been a member here for a while but have only been lurking so far. Love how the site as coming along and felt I need to be a part of it.

So, my name is Johan, 31 years old and live in the archipelago of Gothenburg, Sweden. Been in this hobby since 99 when I started with some boxes of monoposed Dwarfs and Bretonnia. In 6th edition I started my Empire army which have been my main army since then pretty much, after that I have been started many new armies, Tzeentch Chaos, Nurgle Chaos, Orcs and Goblins, Vampire Counts and my latest army project is the Stormcast Eternals.

Even if I have been in the hobby for many years I haven't been playing much since my friends interest in Warhammer have waxed and waned during the the years. 

AoS makes it so much simpler to get into it though and I have even gotten my girlfriend into the hobby.

So if there are any in the Gothenburg area I'm open to play a lot more games!


I have been doing my own blog for a couple of years (diceandbrush.blogspot.com) where I post what I've painted and stuff. Will continue to post there as well as putting up pictures here on the forums. 

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