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Sigmarite Dais Unassailable?




I notice that most models are unable to balance in the stairs of the Sigmarite Dais. I seem to recall a clarification on the wobbly model rule is intended only to keep models safe from being knocked over, and is not intended as a convenience to allow models to count as standing where they cannot actually stand!

Note: The stairs are also more than 2" long, meaning that a model on the edge of the platform and a model directly below him and  in base contact with the bottom stairs is within 3", but outside of 2". The stairs are clearly traversable and do not block line of sight, it's just impossible to actually stand on them with a model...

Now, assuming that wobbly model rules don't allow you to put models on the stairs, you can potentially fill the dais with models close enough to the edge to deny enemy models standing on it and only be be able to exchange ranged attacks (pretty common)  and melee attacks with 3" range (not very common).

What do you think of this? Is it fine to have a piece of terrain where a unit can assume a powerful defensive position? Or do you house rule it in such a way that regular 1" reach units can at least attempt to fight?


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There is the wobbly model syndrome and then there is the rule that models can scale up anything, even 8” high walls as long as you make sure that you keep track of how far they have ascended up the wall by some method. So parking them on the Dias so no models can normally be placed will not stop anything thanks to the new rules of climbing any terrain features 

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7 hours ago, EMMachine said:

Even without climbing. The stairs cover a horizontal space of about 1" and about 2" vertical space. The corerules allow you to be in Formation when you are in 1" horizontally and 6" vertically, so when 1 model Stands below and one model stands on the dais they are still in formation.

Well, this was more a question of opposing units being able to fight, but your input has been noted.

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10 hours ago, King Taloren said:

There is the wobbly model syndrome and then there is the rule that models can scale up anything, even 8” high walls as long as you make sure that you keep track of how far they have ascended up the wall by some method. So parking them on the Dias so no models can normally be placed will not stop anything thanks to the new rules of climbing any terrain features 

I was trying to find the wobbly model rules for AoS, but it seems the core rules do not cover that. I guess that this is just something I picked up from 40k and assumed was a part of AoS as well, considering the similarities between their rule sets.

That thing about marking the assumed position of a model does not appear to be a part of the core rules, at least not in the movement or terrain sections. Where is this?

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In the core rules page 4 on the Azyr App. 

Moving over terrain 

and the Designer comments on core rules under movement.

Q: Are models allowed to climb a terrain feature such as a Fortress Wall?
A: For simplicity and ease of play, the rules allow any model to climb any terrain feature. If you wish, you can only allow models to move to places that they could reach ‘in real life’, but it will require a certain amount of common sense in order to make such a house rule work.

Q: If the height of the terrain feature exceeds a model’s movement, can it be climbed over multiple turns? Can a model run up a terrain feature?
A: Yes to both questions. A model may need to spend several turns climbing an especially high terrain feature (you will need to remember how far it has climbed each turn, and measure distances and visibility to or from that model as if it were in that location).

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I do not  have the Azyr app I am afraid, I only have the core rules. Is the rules text different?

While the rules commentary on climbing specifically addresses vertical movement, I think it is fair to assume that the underlying intention of the designers here is that although a model cannot always be physically left in place in the position it can legally reach this should not be a hindrance to it in gameplay.  

Also, in the same way that a WHCom article is not really the same as "being FAQ'ed", the Designers' Commentary isn't really "the new rules". That would be what's in the actual rules.

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The designer commentary is supposed to be clarification of rules and rules interactions when certain situations arise that the printed main rules do not have clear stance on. It’s not exactly new rules but it is giving the read as intended over the occasional read as written. RAI vs RAW which is often the main cause for many rules discussions here.


Moving Over Terrain (as in the core rules):

Unless otherwise stated, a model be moved over a terrain feature but not through it. (So models can’t move through a wall or pass through a tree but climb up or over them).


A model can be moved vertically in order to climb or cross over a terrain feature, counting the vertical distance up or down as part of its move.


Which RAW means you can climb on anything that is terrain and with the commentary there is nothing said that a verticals move that ends where a model cannot technically fit or remain is still legal.


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12 hours ago, T10 said:

Also, in the same way that a WHCom article is not really the same as "being FAQ'ed", the Designers' Commentary isn't really "the new rules". That would be what's in the actual rules.

The "Designer Commentary"  in the FAQ Section of Warhammer Community is the official FAQ from the Games Workshop Rulesteam. They only call them "Designer Commentary". And the FAQ Points @King Taloren mentions are from the Official Corebook Designer Commentary.

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