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Sombremine, Belgian-French AoS Wargamer Fan


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Hi Everyone, 

I am french and live in Belgium. 

I have played Wahammer Fantasy 15 years ago when we had griffin and Chariot on Cardboard card (I think it was 4th Edition with High Elves and Goblins).

Then, I had to stop and not long ago (February 2015) my girlfriend (now my wife) offered a 40K box... I was back in GW universe... When AoS was released I was the first in GW Brussels to buy a copy... I have loved the game eversince but was a little bit disapointed in the community (the french, they do always complain) and lots of players in my group went for the 9th Age (that I don't like that much) ... I had some work to do to convince them. 

I did not change my mind and little by little I tried to convince my group, but there is still work to do ... but with the GH the scene in Belgium is changing !!! To be continued 

I play Duardin and High Elves and would like to build my own stormhost... With all the beautiful models launched by GW it is difficult not to be tempted to start something else... 

What I love about AoS is  the Community, fun and dynamic, that's why I decided to create a Twitter account (@Sombremine) and follow different groups on Facebook and now here I am on The Grand Alliance Community

I guess that's it for now... 


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