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Stormcast Vanguard [now with white facemasks]

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Here's a first group of Vanguard-Hunters – I did not paint much for some time and so I am okay enough with the current statefor the moment  to show the bunch around. It is still WIP, details are missing and a few touch ups are needed, but this I guess it is time to take some pictures and ask for feedback on the color scheme and general painting advice. Hope to get some grass on the bases and a gw skull instead of sprue-rocks on every other model, but this might be a good direction?











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Highly original colour scheme! A full army done like this would look really striking. 👍

One thing that does occur to me, just to offer some constructive thoughts, is that the dark green on the faces means they don’t stand out as focal points. Have you experimented with any other colours for those, even something like a cold white maybe which wouldn’t add another strong tone to the mix?

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@Tommy thanks, i thought about something like knights of the aurora, but then I also wanted to do something further away from the stormcast standart, that still has real world believable, yet vibrant colors!

I quickly photoshop-tested your idea on having the face mask in white or one of the other colors…thoughts?



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Wow at first I thought they were photos, not photoshopped - nice! 🙂

Personally I like the one in the centre because for me the face stands out most. I think the other two also work a little better than the green.

But all are decent options in their own way, and really the right choice is the one you’ll be happiest with yourself. Opinions like mine should only be bothered with to the extent that they’re useful to you!

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I like the white, but the red would definitely be more striking on the table. 

Purple doesnt work for me. Partly as the other purple elements are leather and cloth. Also because it creates a purple 'frame' and makes the high contrast red and gold cloak clasp on his chest the focus.

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