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The Sand realm (kind of like Araby)


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I want to use this thread to track my little Sand project, long brewing. It will mostly be conversions and one off sculpts, but in some cases... conversion parts that I had cast up. 

Here are the test miniatures which I'm quite happy with. Human archers. These are my own metal torsos and legs, with GW plastic heads and arms. I'm not going for a straight up araby style army... but it's an influence. I really enjoy designing costumes and weapons from scratch so I hope to make all sorts of unique stuff. 

Whenever I do a project like this it's two armies I design... so it will be Humans and some Stormcast vs Khorne mortals and demons. I plan on doing some Khorne warrior conversions with these same metal torsos (painted red and black).











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Nice to see someone else working on an “araby” project.

color scheme is nice and light.

Long ago I had put together some archers based off some the empire ones with  some sculpting that essentially made them look like the ones you have done there.

currently revisiting my old project and reimagining them for AoS, so they are a bit more fantastical 

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Thanks all. Here's some more test conversions using Empire Infantry parts (heads and arms). The shields are angular kite shields made from white plasticard, they don't show up well in the pics unfortunately, but they will once painted.

The guy with the axe will have black and red robes, part of a warrior cult that worships Khorne... I want to explore the more sane followers of chaos who might only dabble in it, quite a contrast to muscle bound cannibal maniacs. To the right of him is some sort of warrior mystic, using high elf archer arms and an Imperial Knight head, with a face plate sculpted in place.

Following that some WIP paint jobs. I like how the red Khorne demons contrast with sand bases and the light colours of the good guys. They are also evocative of evil Jinn from popular culture. The dragon cat rider (what I like to call celestial dracoline's in jest) is a simple conversion with liberator torso and arms. The reigns were made with plasticard strips. I'll share the 'fluff' on all this at a later date.












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