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Chaos Warshrine alternative models?


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The original art of the Chaos Warshrine back in 7th edition was basically a big chariot with an altar.

Or maybe could have a bunch of chaos warriors carry a altar on their own.


Since you're doing a khorne theme, maybe have a slaughterpriest or a skullgrinder at the helm (actually since the skullgrinder is a smith, could be a khorne version of the dwarf anvil of doom. that would be cool)

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15 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

The original art of the Chaos Warshrine back in 7th edition was basically a big chariot with an altar.

And going back to 4th ed it was a couple dudes carrying a palanquin with a totem on top.

I think GW made a good Warshrine that really evokes the aesthetic of Conan.  If I could have figured out what to use it for in my BoC army I would have picked on up.  I guess a little late to make a Herdstone...

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