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Dwarven deitrus among troggoths


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It wouldn't surprise me if we saw a Dispossessed battletome or combined Duardin battletome show up this year.  There is a case to be made that the allegiances we've seen show up in the GHB are for those factions that GW is testing allegiance rules for before a potential forthcoming release or battletome renewal.  GW has explicitly done that in 40k with faction rules in yearly Chapter Approved, it wouldn't surprise me if we are seeing something similar here (especially with the perpetual rumors of updated AOS 1.0 battletomes  as well as the newly announced Carrion Empire box, where we know both factions have had their allegiance rules in prior GHBs and yet they've hinted more models/updates are coming for those factions). It stands to reason we might see something similar, especially with the presence of Dispossessed and Fyreslayer allegiance rules in the prior GHBs.  The current state of KO, a flagship model line, would only further point towards the need for an update.

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12 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

It might be nothing, but the Loonking's followers are mentioned as being from Chamon. The new Carrion Empire box set takes place in Chamon also. If there are anymore releases soon with Chamon mentioned, I would start taking notice. Same thing happened in 40k with the planet Vigilus. It kept appearing in releases and recently was reveled as a campaign. Mortal Realms are not as numerous as planets though so repeated references should be taken with a grain of salt since there are only twelve realms.

The warband roster for skirmish in the latest WD has a section for "Magic of Chamon".

Pack your bags, we're going to the Realm of Metal!

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Well noticed @Dai-Mongar. First iteration of skirmish was placed in Shyish (remnants of Shadespire) and it was a preludium to WHU. It's a safe bet that there's something brewing in Chamon. New campaign book like 40k Vigilus (or Firestorm)  would be perfect for AoS. Skaven, Grots, Ghouls, Duardin in a devastating war and free cities accidentally involved in this conflict. As it's Chamon, add some Tzeentch and voilà.

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