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Looking for a defensive army


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Hey guys, I'm looking for a new army to start playing.

Looking to use this army in 2019 as my tournament army. 

What I'm after is something super defensive. That can camp objectives and take some serious punishment. Whilst dishing out some pain at the same time.

I'm used to play ironjawz, running forward and smashing everything but not really caring about objectives. 

What would you guys recommend? Any faction any army not bothered at all. 

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5 minutes ago, EchoHavoc said:

Could you give me some examples of skaven defense? 

Well, I think I already gave you an example for another army (in another forum) but since you insist.

Mixed skaven are a horde army.

in other words you’ll be having around 60-120clanrats/meatshields in your army. If painting a lot of the same models is a problem for you I wouldn’t start with them an army, but of course you could also play the so well known Clan skyre, who can be played with a rather small modelcount, the problem with them just is, is that they as breakable as glass. But in on the positive side can Fisch put a lot of damage/mortal wounds.

now back to mixed skaven.

as you’d probably already figured it out, the faction skaven do not have a battletome and with it, have to use the not so great grand allegiance.

If your after a challenge this army really can be a thing for you.

On the plus side,  most players have already forgotten that the skaven faction  has a wider range then only skyre, which will mean that you’ll mostly get your opponent by suprise.

i can tell you right now that with a mixed skaven army, you don’t have so worry about those Gabriel(gavriel) dropbombs, since bubble-rapping your elite units/hero’s with meatshields in other words your worthless clanrats, will mean that the gavve bomb will only be able to destroy a unit of 40clanrats.

And who cares if you loosed some unworthy clanrats (it’s better they take-die the trap than Me-me), as long as your elites have enough place to attack the now  vulnerable heavy hitting unit who dared to challenge your cunningness.


Now you’ve asked in another forum, what the most defensive army would be in aos.

the probably most defensive  armys would phoenix temple (with their 4+ 4++ save). And or fyreslayers and magotkinn of Nurgle who have a similar aftersave like the phoenix temple faction.

if most defensive to you means anything that can protect your elite units and hero’s. And in the same time take objective and holding it for some rounds, the skaven faction can be considered as well.

think it like this, we may not have any aftersave or great Armour, but our low point costing meatshields units, can hold the objective a long time.

and believe me no army will be able to slaughter 120clanrats in 1round. (They’ll at least need 4) if you use your clanrats well, they can easily gnaw a mawcrusher to death (also a factor that many players, fun and tournament wise forget).

so a good mixed defensive skaven army is a army, who swarms the enemy with an endless stream of meatshields (in our case clanrats). Your elite units like Stormvermins, Stormfiends, plague censers, ratogre etc. Will be well protected by around 120wounds of worthless meatshields who will function as their Armour, sometimes even as your game chancing unit (perfect objective holders), and as your back line holder.



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14 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

That would be the short version 

Edit: by the way, with a skaven force, you can Literally  play them just the whay you did it with Ironjaws.

you don’t even have to worry about objective craping, since it is almost impossible not to hold them.

Loving this since I am picking up skaven. Do you have a list for mixed skaven for the OP so we can help him on his way skitter skitter

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It depends what op means to you.

if your interested in only winning, your best bet would be playing 320Plague monks and a plague priest.

As for a more fun approach, while beeing still competitive, I’d just go with mixed.

list I’ve build mostly consist of at least 120clanrats. Stormfiends with shockgauntlets buffed by 2-3packmasters. Stormvermins etc. A more horde approach.

If you guys are really interested in some amazing lists, come over to the Verminus chatforum. We can answer  your question and talk about your approach to the skaven faction and ideas you have for a new list there.

ps: another list i did use on a tournament was playing around with 320clanrats 1skaven warlord and 2plague priest.

the good thing about such an army is that you’ll always hold the objective, next to that you’ll be denying enough place for deepstrike or a game chancing charge from flying army’s like the deepkins.

the reason why I only played it ones at such an event was, the struggle of moving every model, inch by inch. 

Also you mostly don’t have enough time to finish the forth round.


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