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New team event format at WHW


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I just wonder how easy is it to organise a large proper narrative event/tournament without having to dilute so many of the 'narrative' elements that you end up with something that is of little interest to both hard-core matched play people and people that really love narrative play.


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The way they tend to do it is that the armies are 'matched' (using points values/up to date balance changes from FAQs) so that a game between strangers runs as smoothly as possible.

But then everything around it works differently, often you're in factions so individual scores matter less, the missions are asymmetrical and fulfil a narrative purpose (X is trying to destroy a Realmgate while Y defends, rather than both sides deploy the same, to capture points evenly spread through no mans land) and you're encouraged to do things in character that may not be tactically sound - like charging your Orruk Megaboss off your objective to duel the enemy warlord, costing you the game (though you aren't forced to do this, which i also feel is important).

That should, hopefully, make it different enough from a Matched Play tournament, allowing freedom for the Narrative player to focus on what they want (my Moulder army is all about its theme, and suuucks in game, but that isn't really an issue) while letting the event run smoothly as it is generally people who have never met before, with slightly different ideas on how warhammer should be enjoyed, playing a game together.


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