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Introduction to the skaven race.

Skreech Verminking

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Background and lore:  The skaven are a verminous race of rat-men from the darkest depths of the Mortal Realms. Hateful and bitter creatures, the skaven are wretched and cowardly alone – but, through weight of numbers and low cunning, they have taken many empires in their names.

skaven are all organized in  greater clans.

They include clans Skyre, twisted Alchemist and masters of warpstone technology and magic;

Clans Moulder, who create and breed the most horrible abomination of war; 

Clans Pestilence,  devouted diseased brotherhoods who seek the destruction of all foes of the great horned rat and the 13most horrible plagues;

Clans Eshin, stealthiest of their kind. They fight in the shadows and kill high ranked generals and hero’s for payment (and sometimes for their own sake);

Clans Verminus, who’s teeming hordes are without numbers.

Overseeing them all is the great Masterclan, consisting of Verminlords (great deamonic creatures) and their agents-white furred wizard known as Grey seers. Together they all worshipp  the hateful deity known as the horned Rat who joined the pantheon of the Dark God after the world that was, was destroyed.

the skaven have grown strong indeed over the course of the age of chaos. With pestilential pokes and strange alchemical devices, they burrow tunnels from their half-real metropolis of Blight City into the Mortal Realms.with those labyrinthine and numerous tunnels they can strike anywhere at any times.

Black library stories/Books which contain anything about the skaven race:

The core rule book contains right now most of the fluff (lore) of the skaven race. But should you be more interested in a deeper lore review for like pestilence the Skaven pestilence Battletome might be more for you.

Malign portents story’s containing anything skaven related:


The great Gnaw: https://malignportents.com/story/the-great-gnaw/

An opportunity in death:https://malignportents.com/story/an-opportunity-in-death/


The great plack Pyramid:




 Verminus: Skyre, Moulder, Eshin, Masterclan, Pestilence

Skyre: Moulder, Eshin, Masterclan, Pestilence, Verminus

Moulder: Skyre, Verminus, Masterclan, Pestilence

Eshin: Skyre, Moulder, Verminus, Masterclan, Pestilence

Pestilence:Skyre, Moulder, Verminus, Masterclan, Eshin 

Masterclan: Skyre, Moulder, Verminus, Pestilence, Eshin



Core rulebook- corerules, has the grand allegiance chaos which is needed to be used for playing mixed skaven or any other clan with the exception of pestilence and Skyre

Generals Handbook 2018- has the point value for all battalions and units for match play. Allegiance abilities for Skyre and Pestilence

Battletome Skaven Pestilence- Lore and fluff of the diseased brotherhood. Rules for battailons (formations for pestilence units)

Errata and designers note for the pestilence Battletome and  grand Chaos.




Grey Seer 

Screaming bell

Thanquol on Bonebracker

Skreech Verminking

Verminlord Warpseer

Verminlord Warbringer

Verminlord Corruptor

Verminlord Deceiver

Warpgnaw Verminlord(FG)



Verminlord Warbringer

Skaven Warlord 

Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror (FG)





Verminlord Deceiver

Skaven Assassin

Skaven Deathrunner

Night runners

Gutter runners



Verminlord Corruptor

Plague priest with Plague Censer

Plague priest with Warpstone-tipped staff

Plague furnace 

plague Monks

Plague Censer bearers


Plague claw 




Giant Rats

Rat ogres 


Hell pit abomination 

Wolf rats (FG)

Brood Horror(FG)



Arch warlock 

Warlock engineer

Skyre Acolytes



Warpfire weapon team

Rattling gun weapon team

poisoned wind mortar team

Doom flayer weapon team

Warpgrinder weapon team 


Warplightning cannon


Multipart plastic sets:

All verminlords (excluding Wargnaw Verminlord) can be build from the same set 

Screaming Bell-Plague furnace 

Warp lightning cannon-plague claw 





















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I found the reading of the Warhammer Army Books (usually easy to get on ebay) quite enlightening. The 4th Edition Armybook contains lots of great Artwork from the early days, while the 7th Edition Army Book contains lots of Background on Character who are now gone, but are still quite inspiring. Also the addition to the former Warhammer Fantasy RGP "Children of the Horned Rat: A Guide to Skaven" is quite entertaining and inspiring.

And of course the Novels featuring Thanquol & Boneripper Novel Series is a great way to get inside a Skaves Head (starting with Grey Seer, or even Skavenskavenslayer)

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Some more novels that have skaven point of views in them are Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows, who have the skaven as one of the major antagonists specifically a skaven warlord and an archwarlock both vying for the same verminlord's favour.

Along with Skaven Pestilens in which two clans battle the combined forces of  the Stormcast and Seraphon as they search for one of the 13th plagues on the back of a colossal worm.

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