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Daemons of Chaos: are mixed god lists viable or is mono god the way to go?


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I painted these Chaos Daemons years ago, first for myself and later sold them to a friend.

They where painted for WH Fantasy back then, where you basically mixed them up as you wished. Some units of Khorne, some of Slaanesh, Nurgle or Tzeentch. Basically a best of.



He dug them out recently and we wanted to see if you could still play them in AoS without building a completely gimped list. No need to be super competitive, but disregarding tons of synergy would be a shame.


So I a) wanted to check here too what you guys think about this and b) share some daemons I painted years ago :)

Thanks in advance!

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Those look great, I love the colors!

I generally don't see many combined daemon lists. The major drawback being you'll need to look into running a Grand Alliance: Chaos army. Where, for the most part, a god's specific allegiance abilities tend to be better (God specific abilities, spells, summoning, etc). Also hero command abilities generally only affect units aligned with that hero's god. That's not to say this army wont work, you'll just need to dig around in the warscrolls and see what synergies you can find. 

My recommendation would be to start with Grand Alliance: Chaos and see if you can make that work. Then I'd peruse the god-specific allegiances and see if any of those catch your guy's attention. Lastly, you can look into Slaves to Darkness or the Everchosen allegiances. I'm not as familiar with those last two, but there might be a trick to gluing some of these split gods together with the addition of some mortal units. 

Sorry I couldn't help more!   


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You may consider going with one God and allying in some of the other units- up to 20% of your points can be allies.

They can't all ally with each other (some of the Gods still hate each other) so you wont fit all of the models in but there is probably a workable list somewhere.

However as others have said, very difficult to make even a semi-competitve list without devoting to one god and mixing in some mortals as well. 

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