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Slaves to Darkness list composition ponderings


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Hello fellow AoS players! I've been brainstorming how to improve my StD lists. I generally run a mixed arms force of Cavalry and Foot troops. As  point of confusion involving keywords: Adding an addition keyword on parts of the army will not adversely impact my force for matched play, correct?

Example: A unit of Warriors and a following Leader are unmarked while a Demon Prince and accompanying Knights are marked for Khorne.

Does this list still count as a "Slaves to Darkness" army or does it change it to be something else?

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It can absolutely still count as an army with the "Slaves to Darkness" allegiance, as long as you make sure that keyword is shared among all the units. If ALL the units somehow received the "Khorne" keyword, you could also run it as an Allegiance: Khorne army and make use of that battletome's artifacts, allegiance abilities etc.

Feel free to post some of your lists so people can see and help out!

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Thank you for your input!

31 minutes ago, Barteh said:

Feel free to post some of your lists so people can see and help out!

My go-to 1000 list is as follows:

Demon Prince; Gen, LoT, Khorne

Sorcerer Lord; BotD, Undivided

10 Warriors; HW & Board Undivided

20 Marauders; HW & Shield, Undivided

5 Knights; Blades, Khorne

5 Marauder Horsemen; Jav & Shield, Khorne

Chariot; Greatblade, Khorne

Comes out to be 950. I haven't played since Beasts of Chaos came out so didn't include a spawn. The extra command point was nice.


My main opposition includes Dispossessed, KO, and goblin squig army. I have done very well against KO and gobbos but those Dispossessed are potent.

Your thoughts on composition?

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Slaves to darkness can include any unit with the slaves to darkness keyword regardless of what other god keyword you give them, for thematic purposes i run an undivided list composed of units with each of the 4 god keywords. You can also include them in any god aligned list provided you give them the corresponding keyword (this is also why archaon can join every god aligned army, even though he's supposed to be undivided and can't join the only undivided allegiance). Some heroes like the lord on mount or lord on manticore also get buffs aside from rerolls based on their keyword, in this case i would recommend the mark of the all-favoured (i believe that's the name of the artifact) from slaves to darkness which gives the hero every god keyword, thus every buff.

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4 hours ago, UnabatedFury said:

My main opposition includes Dispossessed, KO, and goblin squig army. I have done very well against KO and gobbos but those Dispossessed are potent.

Your thoughts on composition?

Against dispossessed your gonna want chosen, gorebeast chariots and knights. You should also run several heroes to maximize buff coverage from marks, it also gives you more heroes to potentially benefit from killing enemy heroes with the gifts from the dark gods. Slaves seem to enjoy having a few aggressive glory seeking heroes, like the lord of chaos on foot, he is a pretty deadly melee fighter and if he dies you get a free chaos spawn, but if he kills the enemy general you get a free daemon prince. I've also found the warshrine to be a must have since it gives rerolls and a wound mitigation aura, not half bad in melee either though i usually screen it with warriors until i need some easy charge damage.

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19 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

Slaves seem to enjoy having a few aggressive glory seeking heroes, like the lord of chaos on foot

I agree. I will be swapping him in next game. Gonna give him a shot. Thanks!


59 minutes ago, Kevlar1972 said:

I don't see why you wouldn't run that as a blades of khorne allegiance for the stronger battle traits and blood tithe.

Thematic purposes. As a group we rarely do anything without some pretense of back story. Inside my local group my StD are a conglomeration of tribes bringing different things to the war effort. Gotta forge that narrative!

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