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"Counts as" miniatures and profiles



Hey all,

I'm looking at potentially putting together a Disciples of Tzeentch army and I want to include a Lord of Chaos in my army. I would really like to use my Games Day 2009 Chaos hero as such (it's my favorite Chaos model - probably ever), but I'm not sure if that's legal considering his equipment loadout. The GD model is equipped with 2 axes and the Lord of Chaos profile has a halberd with a 2" reach. Is there anything specifically in the rules that I wouldn't be able to do so? I wouldn't be running any Exalted Heroes, so there wouldn't be any confusion between models.

Thanks for any input, it is much appreciated.

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2 answers to this question

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Just ask your opponent if it's okay before you play, if they are fine with it it's all green. I can't speak for anyone else but proxies are just fine for me so long as you don't bring a block of cheese or a lego man and declare it to be a greater demon of khorne or something.

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Any proxy or conversion is always with your opponents permission and at any tournament event its with the Tournament Officials permission too. 


In general if you are only swapping one hero unit and the unit you are swapping for is in the same base size and model size etc.. then most players won't have a huge issue with it and will easily adapt. So you are probably more than fine, esp as its a nice GW exclusive model getting a chance to see tableside action.


You tend to get more push back when:

1) The conversion/proxy is on the wrong base size - as much of the game is measured to the base sometimes people will oppose things when the base size is wrong. This is even more the case for things like troops where its possible to bunch up way more on smaller bases than you can with bigger ones - thus get more into close combat range.

2) The conversion/proxy is modelled for advantage - a hazy term but one of extremes. Say you convert your stealth assassin to be invisible on the base or you build your Steam Tank with a shoebox sized dozer blade on the front. Both are trying to use the model shape to gain in game advantage way above normal. 

3) The conversion/proxy is hard to tell from other different models on the table. One or two you might get away with, but if you've converted most of your troops to look very very similar then many might oppose that on the grounds that it makes your army very hard to keep track of during the game. 

4) The conversion/proxy is very badly done - throwing down a "Box of Green Soldiers" as your troops might not go down well with most people. Conversely very superior quality work will often get more leeway. 

And, of course, no one of those things is set in stone and is always based on context. Tournaments are going to be stricter, casual games less so. Sometimes opponents won't have any issues at all, sometimes they might. If you turn up with the "Box O Soldiers" once to try out the game or army they might be fine; turn up every single week and most will start to not want to play against it. Similarly your shoebox dozer steamtank might be fun for a casual match or two, but not every week nor every game and not at the "serious" games. 

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