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Suneater Tribes: Player Companion Book (Finished)


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I have just finished putting the last touches onto my Not-quite-battletome (I cant source art) for the Suneater Tribes ogors, designed to play radically differently to Gutbusters is has a full compliment of 17 warscrolls, 4 battallions including some nice mixed destruction ones, prayers, spells and relics galore along with a smattering of background written by yours truly. If anyone wants to look it over, play with it or generally use in in any way I would be honoured. For me this is the final product of a long time and alot of hard work but I'm happy with the end result.
It is light at 52 pages total without major breaks for artwork throughout, but I'm proud of the end result
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Cheers guys, if anyone gets any play out of the book or some photos of using an army inspired by it I'd love to get some feedback. The project was alot of fun and I feel fills alot of the issues destruction has as a grand alliance through both its own faction and as units that can form a part of a mixed destruction allegiance.  By adding in the mixed destruction battalions I hoped to allow the army to maximise the usage of its own unique abilities (pyres, prayers, spells) and some of the most characterful destruction units to promote unique and diverse armies.

If anyone has feedback, notes mistakes etc i will be constantly updating, faqing etc the document to keep it as relevant as possible (though GW will likely never sadly embrace it :P ) 


Cheers again guys


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