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Astreia Solbright


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Hi everyone.  I am a new AOS player.   I have started building a Stormcast army.  I wanted to have a female general for my army so I was super excited when Astreia came out.  Then I remembered that named characters cannot get artefacts or have command traits.  By making her my general am I losing much in terms of that?  I am curious of the opinion of more experienced players.  I planned on running Hammers of Sigmar stormhost.  Also would someone mind helping me make a decent 1750 pt list?  I have purchased all of the new sancrosanct models.  I also bought the blight wars box.  Thanks for the help all!

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The hammers of sigmar trait is really good (6+ save against all wounds and mortal wounds in a 9" bubble) so I would not reccommend tsking astreia as the general if running hammers of sigmar. 

However, if you do take her as your general, you can take sequitors as battleline (because she has Lord Arcanum keyword). 

If you want, you can play the astreia model as a generic Lord Arcanum on Dracoline and gain both the above benefits for just 20 points more. 

A list for 1750 could be:


Lord Arcanum on Dracoline  240

 Knight Incantor  140

10 Sequitors  240

10 Sequitors  240

10 Evocators  400

3 Evocators on Dracolines  300

Cleansing Phalanx  120

Chrinomatic Cogs  60



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Thanks all.  I really hope that GW makes more female general options for Stormcast.  I feel a bit limited.  Of course I can always imagine my leader  is female just  wearing male  armor. Now I just hope the evocators on dracolines are out before my tournament lol. 

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