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Interest in a Skirmish event?


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Hello all,

I used to host LoTR events down here in Sussex, but have since moved onto AoS. I think the skirmish format is brilliant, and is a very appealing alternative to the typical 2000pt affair we see at most events. A skirmish event means that list building is simpler (and less restrictive), transporting your army is easier, and you can steer your ship in a different direction as the event goes on by recruiting different units between each round. I'm confident in my ability to find a venue, throw together a brilliant event pack, and get drunk with everyone after the event. My only hang up is that I have no clue as to whether or not people are as passionate as I am about the format, much less as to whether or not people would want to travel down to Brighton/Hove for a skirmish campaign.

For those of you who never gave skirmish a go, it is a very different experience to typical AoS, and it has a funny meta in which you have a surprising amount of options. A few examples I've seen are; investing everything in one huge model, building a small horde to drown people out, or maximizing equipment options by taking lots of different models from different units. There are some balance issues (you can theoretically take as many night goblins with nets as you want for 1 point each), but we can hammer those out when the time for balancing the format comes.

In the interest of creating a diverse meta, the event would support every single warscroll in the game. The way to calculate skirmish points is simply to double the matched play points value and then divide the result by 10.  Starting with 35 points seems like a good idea, as it still makes hiring a bastiladon a far fetched dream, but also means that people can play ogors without being priced out of taking a hero. I am a strong supporter of event exclusive rules and out-of-game exercises that affect the campaign, so feel free to spitball ideas if you like to toy with those sort of concepts.

If this event sounds like something you would theoretically want to attend, please respond with your thoughts and suggestions.

Thank you for your time!

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