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Question about starting Tzeentch


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Hi guys, I'm starting up a Tzeentch daemons army and am looking to get some advice on where to go after the Start Collecting box. I was thinking of getting a second SC box but was thinking I could just focus on specific units rather than get duplicates of units that I dont see in many lists. Alternatively, starting out, what are people's  thoughts on pairing a Slaves to Darkness SC box with the Tzeentch box?

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I’m going to recommend playing some games with your start collecting set... with all the models. Talk to your opponent and say you’re trying to get the feel for your models and don’t have your second battleline built. And see what you think you’re missing or need.

As a side note Screamers now give a dice flip from 6 to 1 for Tzeentch Daemon Heroes ... further protecting your Daemon Hero.

Exalted Flamers are solid at mopping up low wound models, and can be summoned.

You’ll want some Blue and Brimstone Horrors to support the Pink Horror splitting.

Flamers/Exalted Flamers/Burning Chariots are all usable in a Warpflame Host.

If you’re creating a Tzeentch Daemons Army a second box will help fill out your army requirements and can make the following:

-   Pink Horror Unit

-    Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot

-    Herald of Tzeentch

-    Exalted Flamer on Burning Chariot

-    Exalted Flamer

-    Flamers Of Tzeentch

-    Screamers Of Tzeentch

-    An understrength unit of Blue Horrors (There are 3 in the box if you don’t put them on the Exalted Flamer with Burning Chariot)

With conversion:

- Herald Of Tzeentch on Disc

- Blue Scribes


Other options for Daemons:

-    The Changling (Knows the spells of all Wizards within 9”)

-    Gaunt Summoner

-    Gaunt Summoner with Familiars

-    Gaunt Summoner on Disc

-    Lord of Change

-    Daemon Prince Of Tzeentchi (good in Melee, an issue for Tzeentch Daemons)

-    Soul Grinder with Mark of Tzeentch (also fun in Melee)

- Shaman, Skyfires, Enlightened (they have the Daemon keyword)

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I am also new to Tzeentch and bought a SC kit just like you after painting up a Changeling for the fun of it! From the box I made : 

A burning Chariot 

The Pinks, Screamers and yet to assemble the flamers.

Converted an Herald on Disc instead of on foot. But unless you lack utility in your games, I hear the herald on foot is superior.

Then I got a Box of Warriors and a box of blues/brimstones instead of the SC Slaves to Darkness kit ( almost same price) . In that kit you get 16 warriors instead of the 12 in the SC kit, and I am making one 10 man unit, one 5 man unit and then converting one to become a Sorcerer lord :D 

That gives me the easiest 3 battleline units needed for 2k games.

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I am thinking about getting into Tzeentch too and I have 2 questions, if I may.

1) Is the Acolyte army box worth getting?

2) Are the battalions any good? Leafing through them they mostly seem to be cheap but weak. The incentive is further lowered by the battletome artefacts also looking rather poor. Or are there any realm artefacts that work so well they make battalions worth taking?

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In, my opinion, the start collecting set is now amazing. Pre 2.0, it felt wasteful since flamers, screamers, and the chariot were pretty much garbage but the pts reduction on flamers makes them more viable now and the value of a flying hero to make space via the chariot to do summoning is wonderful. flamers and a couple exalted flamers near a model with the re-roll 1s aura can do a lot of damage.

Also screamers are now amazing. The new locus ability is ridiculously good. I had a game last week rocking a LoC with some screamers nearby, gryph feather charm, and incorporeal form making him effectively invincible to the vast majority of enemies. (-2 to be hit and unmodified 6s become 1s) 

All that said, you will need a bunch of brims and blues to go along with those SC sets.


1. Army boxes rarely are much savings, but do the math if you plan to use everything in it.
2. Tzeentch battalions mostly suck now due too really hefty requirements coupled with our new, much higher, pts costs.

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