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New to the hobby, does Tempest of Souls go well with Soul Wars?

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Sorry if this is a noob question but this is my first foray into any game of this type. GW announced a new line of smaller starters, specifically the $80 Tempest of Souls which is a much smaller investment than the Soul Wars starter but its contents seem appealing and it seems like a great place for me to start since it’s not so expensive but will still give me a good taste of the hobby so I can see if I’ll like it. But I’m wondering if it complements Soul Wars well; if I do like the hobby I’d imagine Soul Wars would be my next purchase, but not sure if the units included in both boxes would make for a good army. 

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For the Stormcast, they should combine well. Obviously you'll have lots of duplicate models, and for matched play you'll also have some spares, but other than that it'll work fine, and it's a very cheap way to build an army. Buy another battleline unit box (that's either the multi-part Sequitors when they come out, or the existing Liberators or Judicators) and I think you'll be at or near 2000 points for a fraction of the price that would normally cost. If you're worried about competitiveness, I think the only real weakness there is the two units of Castigators - people seem to agree they're not very good. But otherwise it should be a pretty strong list - two Ballistas is good, two Knight-Incantors is good, you'll get enough models to make a full unit of Evocators and they're good.

I would imagine similar applies for the Nighthaunt but I don't know anything about them so can't say for sure. 

BUT have you seen the Storm Strike set? If you want a super cheap taster for the hobby, it's even less cash, and has the benefit of not having any overlap with the Soul Wars box (so you're not getting duplicate models). https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Age-Of-Sigmar-Storm-Strike-2018-eng

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Thanks! Wasn't really looking at Storm Strike since I thought it might be too small to really get a good feel for the game, but at half the cost of Tempest of Souls, and containing basically the exact same non-model components, I think that's actually a good plan to get that instead. 

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