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Gravesites Tactics and Tipps

Hot Peanut

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Hi all, I have set up a new GHoN Army:

Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash

Nagash Supreme Lord Of The Undead (800)
- General
- Lores of the Dead Spell 1: Overwhelming Dread (Deathmages)
- Lores of the Dead Spell 2: Fading Vigour (Deathmages)
- Lores of the Dead Spell 3: Vile Transference (Vampires)
Necromancer (110)
- Artefact: Deathforged Chain  
- Lore of the Deathmages: Decrepify

40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
- Ancient Spears
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades

4 x Morghast Archai (440)
- Spirit Halberds

The First Cohort (160)

Total: 1950 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 105

Now I am thinking about how to you use gravesites properly for this army.  Therefore a question appeared, if I have the unit of 40 skels within 9 inch of two gravesites, can I heal them twice, or even three times if three gravesites are within 9inch of that unit? Due to this I am not really sure how to put them on the board. So have anyone some general tips? I know it is a lot about your own playstyle wnd how to use your skels.

thanks in advance.

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56 minutes ago, Hot Peanut said:

Now I am thinking about how to you use gravesites properly for this army.  Therefore a question appeared, if I have the unit of 40 skels within 9 inch of two gravesites, can I heal them twice, or even three times if three gravesites are within 9inch of that unit? Due to this I am not really sure how to put them on the board. So have anyone some general tips? I know it is a lot about your own playstyle wnd how to use your skels.

thanks in advance.

Each gravesite can be used to heal a summonable unit once per turn.  That means you can use multiple gravesites to heal the same unit - but each gravesite only has "one D3's worth of power" in each of your turns if that makes sense.  Gravesites and Deathly Invocation are both at the start of your hero phase abilities, so you can choose the order they trigger off in.  As a quick note Legions Innumerable (on a D6 roll of 5+ you can heal D3 wounds) isn't a start of the hero phase ;) 

Gravesite placement varies depending upon the battleplan being played.  In order to make the most out of your command points, you want to try and ensure that one gravesite is kept clear so you can pull that big unit of 40 back.

If the battleplan is an objective based on, having a gravesite within range to keep your objective holding unit going is always a good shout - you've a 9" buffer though, so don't be afraid to set it away from the objective to provide more cover.  Some opponents will try and camp gravesites - which can be used to your advantage to keep units tied up :)

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Yes, two gravesites can heal the same unit if they're both in range.

Gravesite tactics vary pretty widely.  You can bunch all four up in the middle to maximize healing in the center of the board.  Or you can spread them out so that, wherever a unit or hero is, it probably has a gravesite nearby to heal or summon off of.  Or you can put gravesites near objectives.  Legion of Night might put the near board edges to summon with outflanking characters.  What is best will vary with your army & play style, with those of your opponent, and with the mission being played.

Gravesite management - not just placement, but protection, knowing when & what to summon (whether via gravesight deployment or endless legions), etc - is the trickiest and most rewarding aspect of LoN gameplay.  It'll take some time to find what works for you.  Be willing to experiment.

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I find a balanced approach works best. One grave site should be more or less in your backfield, but near enough to the center that your general can make it there in the mid game to ressurect a destroyed unit. Two grave sites should go near where you expect the worst of the fighting. As an option, if you want to threaten the opponent’s backfield, one grave site can go back there just to keep them on their toes -especially if you have a fast-moving General like A VLOZD or Mortarch.

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