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Looking for inspiration for bases

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I'm looking for a bit of inspiration and advice when it comes to doing the bases for my Age Of Sigmar army.

My tendency before now has been to keep things pretty simple - most recently I've been using GW's Armageddon Dust with an ink wash and a drybrush, and a couple of grass tufts each, with the rim painted brown. Like this:


Nice enough look for a realistic/grounded setting, I think, but it feels a little subdued for Age Of Sigmar. When you're fighting in a hyper-fantastic world (or, er, worlds) like the Realms, it feels like an opportunity to do something a bit different. 

I'm planning on starting a Sacrosanct Chamber army when the new starter set launches, and I'd like to try something a bit weirder than I'm used to, but I'm not sure where to start really - in terms of basing materials or colour scheme.

I don't have a particular realm in mind for my army at the moment, so I can't decide based on that. I'll probably want to keep it all-purpose, to be honest, so that I'm not tied down to one realm rules-wise if I want to try out different things.

Another twist is that it needs to be something that can work for both normal bases, and the Easy-To-Build models' scenic bases. I'm currently painting up one of these guys for a painting competition at my local store (they were giving out free easy-build Sequitors for it), and he's got stone slabs and scattered leaves on his base, which maybe restricts my options (he came already glued to his base, so I can't even go in and file stuff off). 


Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Or any examples of your own unusual bases? 


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you could try lava base ? the blazing orange will fit nicely with your blue and silver

you can make some fancy osl effect (lots of exemple on youtube with fire)

if you want more simple, maybe some martian earth colors ?

the 2 exemple above have the merit to give you access to dozen of play mats so you army base belongs to the battleground at least when you are playing home

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