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Nurgle questions!


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New to Nurgle and looking for some advice and have a few questions if anyone has some time to way in.

To double check, there is zero reason to play “Maggotkin” as “Nurgle” gets all of the goodies and a load more unit options yes?

Is there any point in trying to build a GUO out for combat?  Even going sword/flail he seems a little underwhelming for raw combat power at 320 points.

What are the odds that Nurgle will retain access to Pestilens in the near/middle future?  I dig the idea of running monks under Blades and with the abundant options for tar pits that the list has but would be a little put off to invest in 80 of them only to lose access.

Demon Princes feel a little underwhelming, how accurate is that assessment?


Think that is it for the moment, thanks in advance for any thoughts!

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11 hours ago, Darkfine said:

New to Nurgle and looking for some advice and have a few questions if anyone has some time to way in.

To double check, there is zero reason to play “Maggotkin” as “Nurgle” gets all of the goodies and a load more unit options yes?

Is there any point in trying to build a GUO out for combat?  Even going sword/flail he seems a little underwhelming for raw combat power at 320 points.

What are the odds that Nurgle will retain access to Pestilens in the near/middle future?  I dig the idea of running monks under Blades and with the abundant options for tar pits that the list has but would be a little put off to invest in 80 of them only to lose access.

Demon Princes feel a little underwhelming, how accurate is that assessment?


Think that is it for the moment, thanks in advance for any thoughts!

So maggotkin of Nurgle is the new Nurgle. Anything with a Nurgle keyword is valid in a maggotkin of Nurgle army.

Some abilities and spells require demon or mortal or rotbringers AND Nurgle as keywords though. Like you can use a lot of pestilins in a maggotkin army but they don't really get a lot of abilities or spells or synergy because they lack the demon, mortal or rotbringers keywords, even though they have the Nurgle one.

Hope this helps!

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Speculation of course, but I don't see them removing the Nurgle keyword from Pestilen's units anytime soon. That would be a major rework of the ratman army (lore and rule wise) and would pretty much cripple them (and they already aren't a super-competitive force).

 Demon Princes can be useful as quick objective holders in an otherwise slow Nurgle force, but it doesn't have any tricks or real synergy with the rest of the army. Nurgle forces have a lot of cool synergies to take advantage of, so those points could go into something else that would benefit more from the wheel/spells/command abilities of the rest of the army.

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GUOs are in a bit of a funny place to be honest. Yeah you're pretty much correct that they're really not kitted out for melee like a Bloodthirster or other melee monsters. They're also not godly spell casters like Lords of Change. They can be very difficult to take off the board with the cycle and Endless Gift artifact but I think the changes to Mystic Shield will hurt them a bit.

They are however a very solid support unit with the bell (I'm almost completely addicted to it and it's basically auto include in my army these days) and plague wind is a very flexible (all be it high cast value) spell. 

Sadly I don't think the ritual knife makes them good enough at casting to justify a "full support" bell/knife loadout. Who knows though, new Lore of Life might change that.

GUOs are decent in melee, but should never be the workhorse of your army. They can get a few reliable wounds in per turn with the flail and I use him to "last hit" units I've charged with other units. 

Demon princes are EXTREMELY lackluster in AoS and I'm hoping they'll get reworked in the Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath update. They're fast and average duelists for 160 points but with just a 3+ armor save they'll feel squishy compared to the rest of your units :P

Hope some of that helped!

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Oh and plague monks are absolute MONEY on the table. 

Also NiB run $35 for 20 rats, so that's actually really reasonable for GW standards. Also, there are a fair amount of pestilens lots on eBay so they're relatively cheap to get if you want them. 

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