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How do you store/transport the Coven Throne?


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Hey there, everyone! Been working on my Legion of Blood army and have been having a lot of trouble safely transporting my Coven Throne (Zombie Dragon and Spirit Hosts will probably pose a similar problem when I get to them...)

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this tall and pointy model from place to place? I would like to keep it all cheap as I can, but any option could be considered. Thoughts?

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same as TalesofSigmar here.  Note that 'really useful boxes' is the brand of boxes.  They come in a few different sizes, including some tall enough for even Nagash, and are notable for having flat bottoms, which makes it easy to mount magnet-reactive sheet metal to the bottom, then magnetized bases stick to that.  larger, heavier, or top heavy models need sturdy magnets though.  There's a bit of finesse to selecting the right magnet to be strong enough to hold the model upright but not so strong that you break it pulling it out of the box.

got the idea from MC1 gamer on youtube, he has a good video on the setup:

This method is great for car travel.  For shipping or air travel, though, you need foam, small packing peanuts, or air baggies, and even then you should expect to need to do some repair work when it gets to the destination.

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