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Using Battle Companies in AoS


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Has anyone thought of converting the rules of Middle-Earth Battle Companies into a game of Age of Sigmar? I never played the Middle-Earth miniature range, but the format seems similar to Age of Sigmar.  I look through Battle Companies book, and these rules are like Skirmish/Mordheim. It would seem to make a good narrative with only a few models and inspire you to create your heroes for bigger games. What are your thoughts on this?

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Well, I don't know full rules of Battle Companies (only that published in WD), but it looks like mix of Skirmish and Path to Glory. You start with small warband and expand it with reinforcements. Maybe for AoS the example warband could look like that:

Warlord Squeesnik's Retinue (25 points in Skirmish):

- Skaven Warlord (Squeesnik)

- Clanrat with Rusty Blade

- Clanrat with Rusty Blade

- Storvermin with Halberd and Shield


1 - Nothing 

2 - Clanrat with Rusty Blade

3-4 - Clanrat with Rusty Spear

5 - Stormvermin with Halberd

6 - Stormvermin with Halberd and Shield

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8 hours ago, TheWolf said:

I have been thinking about the same thing. My gut feeling is the easiest way to do this is to use the Middle Earth rules, creating profiles for AoS models in that game system.

Why bother creating profiles? Just use them as the closest equivalent model and you are good to go?

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Another one:

Necromancer Ludwig Ekelmann's Winter Wolves (25 pts)

- Necromancer (Ludwig Ekelmann) 22 pts

-Dire Wolf (preferably Fenrisian Wolf painted white) 3 pts


1 - Nothing

2-3 - Skeleton Warrior with choice of weapons (2 pts)

4-5 - Dire Wolf (3pts)

6 - Grave Guard with choice of weapons (3 pts)


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10 hours ago, Redmanphill said:

Why bother creating profiles? Just use them as the closest equivalent model and you are good to go?

That's kind of what I meant, sorry. Pick an AoS unit and find a profile to match it. 

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