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??? Vs seraphon


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So I have a game tomorrow afternoon and I’m facing off against seraphon. I’ve played them once and I know my opponent has an arsenal of units to choose from! He might or might not be bringing a carnesaur variant tomorrow, but as for the rest it could be anything.

the game size is 1K, so I’m seeking your advice. I’m leaning towards GHoN or LoN:

GHoN: aggressive and has good solid combat traits and artefacts to select from. 

LoN: fight on your terms with ambush and your skeleton blob gets a little tougher with the bait trait.

im aware seraphon ignore rend with shields and have strong bravery.

so......I need advice from you guys. What would you bring and why?


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So if anyone is interested, I’ve chosen a list. 

Legion of night:

vampire lord flying horror - general - terrifying visage - amethystine pinions

necromancer - overwhelming dread - shard of night

necromancer - fading vigour

5 dire wolves

5 dire wolves

40 skeleton warriors - spears and shield

2 morghast harbingers - spirit halberds (ambush)

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Depending on the scenario, might put an unit of wolves into ambush for late game objective grabbing.

personally i‘d Put the vampire into ambush too, with vile transference, providing deathless minion and healing the morghast.

make one necro general for inspiring presence of the 40 skellis

just thinking out loud, wish you best of luck. And beware of the carnosaur roar...

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So I finished the game:

scorched earth was the scenario.

opponents army:

carnesaur hero variant


old blood

3 x 10 saurus variant (D3 damage ones)

10 skinks

was a major victory to me 9-12.

turn 1 I went first, put all my buffs on skeletons and slightly pushed everything forward.

opponent did the same. Turn 2 he won primo and came in hot. Still out of charge range, but with his carnesaur approaching real fast, I committed my ambushing morghast in my turn 2 and chipped 9 wounds off his carnesaur.

turn 3 he won prop and move his saunas line up and got charges off onto my skeletons and 1 unit into my morghast. I lost 1 morghast and with my last morghast killed his carnesaur. I then lost my last morghast to the saurus.

turn 4 resulted in a pretty big blood bath. 19 skeletons went down, and luckily chipped away at his saurus as they were on a 2+ save. Luckily my skeletons were inspired and brought 11 back when it was my turn round 4. 

I killed everything bar his 10 skinks and I had 11 skeletons left and the rest of my army was at full strength.

Legion of night is fantastic at being able to commit your punchier units (morghast) into combat when u need it. I seriously think my morghast and inspiring presence on my skeletons won me the game.

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