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Overhelming Dread vs Abilities


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Hi Everyone,

I would like submit you a question about the spell "Overhelming Dread".  If the spell is applied, abilities like "Blast to ashies" or "Blighted Weapons" are negated ? My Gameworkshop manager said to me that this kind of ability will still be applied. I don't remember his arguments and will ask him a second time. 

I will appreciate to receive your point of view about this question to clarify this situation.

I will appreciate too, complete answers to create a real debate or clarify everything.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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I think because of this, this spell is one of the most powerfull in the Lore of the Dead aside from Vile Transfer. Even if they have +1 hit buff you'll still negate them back to only proc on 6+ and without that.. well it is making Blight Kings look more like a pack of tame kittens.... *Evil*

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The difference is “on a 6+“ ( spirit host frightful touch, grave guard, terrorgheist ) or “on a roll of 6“ ( Crypt Flayer skewering Strike, rerolling 1s)... first one triggering after applying the modifiers, the second one before (regardless). 

Rule of thumb: if it says a 6+, modifiers apply, if it is on a 6 modifiers are ignored.

aaaaand a dice can only be rerolled once...


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