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Bigger unit sizes


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I'm building some new sylvaneth and I'm not too sure if I should look at building two units of five or one of ten. I feel the two squads is better since you get an extra fighty character and aren't as hit by battle shock but I'm not sure anymore.

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I have a blog post ready to go up on this topic in general. But for Sylvaneth I'm assuming you're talking about Revenants? In which case I think larger units are better however they can definitely be used in smaller units. The spite revenants are probably best in units of five so you can spread out their unbridled malice ability

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Like Jabber said, it depends on the warscroll in question, and also what battle plan/scenario you are playing.  If you need to capture multiple objectives and the scenario you are playing does not allow single models to capture you will need multiple units.  A larger single unit may work better if there are no objectives to control or only one.  Just my thoughts on the matter.

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My general rule of thumb for unit sizes is based on a few thing:

First base size Vs attack range. 25mm with 1" range is better than 32mm with 1", but if you have a 2" range 32s aren't so bad. Basicly 25's with 1" atack can get 2 ranks of guys, 25's with 2" attacks can get 3 ranks. 32mm with 1" get 1.33 row of attacks, and 32's with 2" get 2 rows. So add guys according to this.

If the unit has bonuses to their attack based on the number of models than the unit was balanced around averaging the max bonus to the minimum. To get the most out of that unit you need to stay at max for as long as possible. As such you'll want to make sure you are over your maximum bonus by a good margin so that you get at least a round or two at full strength. 

Then bravery is the last thing i consider, but this is kind of not as big a deal. Even if you get to 10 models you actually need to be at like 15 models to get that extra point in bravery. So it's a big investment for almost thing, but for horde units it's pretty worth going after. 

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