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First army list (1250pt)


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Hi guys,

I'm running my first 1250pt list so this is what I have planned:

Grand Host of Nagash ~1210pt

Arkhan The Black (320)

Necromancer (110)

40x Skeletons with spears (280)

10x Grave Guard with greatweapons (160)

5x Black Knights (120)

2x Morghast Harbingers with halberds (220)

What do you think? I've tried to include every unit since I olve all of them but at the same time trying to stay competitive.

Do you feel there are so few units and heroes? Or this could really work? I was thinking about dividing the big skellies unit into a 30-skellies unit with spears and a 10-skellies unit with blades for grabbing objectives and so, but I'm not sure if that's worth it since small units tend to be easily sniped and then I'd also lose the attack buff for +30 skellies on the big unit.

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 Keep the skellie block the same,,40 is the standard and you need the points break,,they will tie up pretty much anything that an opponent can throw down at your point level.
Try the GG and see how they work,,with 10 in the unit they may stay on the board,but be prepared for them to get focused down and out.The Morghast unit will wreck faces for ya,and the BKs are solid.

 If,after a few games the GG dont perform then I would consider dropping them and going with some Hexwraiths,,same wound count only much more mobile,immune to rend and still hit pretty good.


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Hexwraiths are great in that they're summonable now so you can regen them with deathly invocation!

Don't forget for your black knights as well if you support them with a mounted Wight King who is your general you can give each melee weapon an extra attack for the unit (provided you use the lord of nagashizzar trait). Meaning 4 from the lance and 4 from the horses for each model, which on the charge can be quite nasty against low save blob units. Then you could van hels them...for 42 lance attacks and 40 horse attacks from 5 dudes. Ofc the lack of rend will hurt you but...eh throw all the dice!


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