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Stormvermin list building


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I usually keep one or two 10-rat units of stormvermin in reserve. They perform the role of clean-up crew well. By which I mean, when something do get past my clanrat lines, they're usually so torn up by my artillery, spellcasters, and the inevitable two-three wounds lost from the clanrats themselves, that the stormvermin just straight up massacre the remains.

The rest of the battle they serve as bodyguards to my artillery/heroes until that is no longer needed.

I think they're definitely a solid competitive pick -if- you have a clear use for them. Without a specific use, clanrats will serve you better. 


Not counting a full 40-rat blob of Stormvermin. I've yet to try that, but I think it'd work better than one would assume, since they can take a beating and dish it out :)

Edit: note that when combined with a verminlord warbringer's command ability (and spell), their damage output goes up exponentially.

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