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Anyone else having a harder time finding games since 40k 8th?


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THe area I live in has always been 40k dominated, and games of AoS I have had have been on the regularity of a birthday.

Personally its the lack of hype and meaningful progress with battletomes/new models that has made me lul a bit on the AoS front. I do love the ruleset and the setting to me is still epic, but the machine gun of 40k content recently made me wonder why they couldn't have taken a similar approach for a few of the more complete factions for AoS to breath some depth and competitive spirit back into some factions.

I haven't even settled or got new models to play or do 40k since 8th come out (new rules, new army n'all that) and it still interests me more at the moment as far as wanting a game because as was previously mentioned in this thread, the current diversity in on the board armies for AoS is really weak and I can't see me gaining any interest until they bring me out an Elf faction to get excited about. I gave up waiting last year and just put together the Stormcast from my starter set in the end, but as a person who finished playing 8th edition fantasy with a bunch of Wood Elves and Dark Elves that I was having fun with this hasn't got rid of this itch I need for a model I feel inspired by.

Currently with how fragmented the Elf factions are, its not like I can either go, get more of these, because these will be carried over into a new army, because there has been no solid proof that any of the current Elf ranges will be rolled into the first Elf faction release.

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Personally I've stopped playing 40k between 6.5 and 7 edition, didn't like the death star meta and the loss of clear borders between armies. Due to the direction the fluff is going and that there seem to be no limits to what they are willing to resurrect, I've decided to sell my collection...

Concerning the topic, AoS is currently played less around here, but that is understandable. Just look at the "machine-gun" release schedule  since 8th dropped. The last big release for AoS was Shadespire which could be considered "not" AoS.

The moment they are done selling rushed codices and the same rules for the 3rd time (Index, Codex and now point updates with Chapter Approved... within a couple of months), players will branch out to other systems again.

Overall 40k is progressing too fast (again) and AoS too slow at the moment.

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13 hours ago, Keldaur said:

That's not a loophole. The 40k tester team already said that they didn't want to use the detachment system that is currently in place for matched play, but GW wanted to keep it to allow players to play whatever they wanted. For matched play, the competitive type of play. Yep.

And about the motivation to min max, it is like solving puzzles, it is fun and rewarding, specially when you come up with something and get to experiment by playing and practicing it, and move on from there. That is the game for them. You know, different strokes for different folks.

With the exception of Shadspire; I see no reason to believe that GW has ever wanted to make a competition orientated game . They do give in to demands to make tournament capable formats though.

Why people keep insisting on playing the Warhammers competitively is beyond me. Both games are so poorly suited to it.

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55 minutes ago, DarkBlack said:

With the exception of Shadspire; I see no reason to believe that GW has ever wanted to make a competition orientated game . They do give in to demands to make tournament capable formats though.

Why people keep insisting on playing the Warhammers competitively is beyond me. Both games are so poorly suited to it.

Yeah, i agree, at the end it's their choice tho, so i am not going to judge them for that to be honest, if they are having fun that way who am i to say something about it. 

That's why i don't play 40k. From a gamey point of view AoS is perfectly fine, if i wanted to play competitively i would play malifaux, but AoS scratches that gamer's  itch supperficially while being much more relaxed and less demanding, perfect for me at this point :P

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Because of 40K?  Maybe, but not really.  I'm having a hard time getting games in, but that's largely my own fault.  I was having some major real-life issues getting in the way of hobby time in recent months.  In fact, I've only played 4 games with the current General's Handbook since it was released, and they were all back before October.  But the drama being caused by, frankly, my wife's baggage, is to important to not deal with.  So family issues first, then fun second.  And then the holiday season struck...

Plus, my local group is pretty small - pretty much only 5 people within an hours drive have AoS armies, and while they enjoy the game, they are working on Malifaux and 40K some in addition to their AoS armies.  Unless I drive 90 minutes to 3 hours to other gaming stores, I'm stuck local, and I can't afford that time commitment right now.

However, it's not all bad.  I basically took my game time and spent it painting models at home and being available for my wife.  I now actually have finished painted models again!

But something else is coming up - my health issues.  As I said to my wife, "I'm too old to be making these noises and feeling like this."  Pain in my feet and joints, getting out of breath easily, and wearing out shoes and socks like crazy.  As such, I'll be trying out one of my old hobbies to get in better shape and improve my health:  boffer fighting.  Specifically, Amtgard LARP and Boffer Combat.  I participated in this ultra-nerdy hobby for a full year in my final year at college, and quit going after some mild drama in the club and real life taking over (job, master's degree, started dating my now-wife, Warhammer).  But in that one year of playing, I lost about 70 lbs in weight, going from 330lbs to 260lbs, and feeling good and healthy too.  So I'm dusting off (literally) my old boffer equipment, and using that as a more productive, fun version of a gym.

So did 40K affect my ability to get games in?  Not me, personally.  But it's timing for release perfectly lines up when stuff was happening in my life that caused me to not game as much.  But not directly.

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