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Which mortach!?


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So I have arkhan already. Making my 2nd mortach at the minute and finding it hard to decide between manfred or neferata.

im leaning towards manfred as his CA is so good, rerolling 1's to hit and wound.....just wow. Also he's a powerhouse and I really love th fluff and lore behind him.

neferata, good spells, solid damage dealer and a good CA.

my heart is pretty much set on manfred, but I'd like to hear other views? 

Also, I don't magnetise so that's out of the question lol.

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The Mortarchs are all pretty good while not being overly amazing mechanically.  As such, I'd really recommend choosing them according to aesthetic or narrative preference.  Aesthetic value is up to you, that's just in the eye of the beholder, but in terms of Narrative, Mannfred's kind of an annoying ******, such that even when he's largely on the level in helping people they still dislike and distrust him.  As such, Neferata's really more likely to be seen working alongside Arkhan, especially with the direction Nagash's plots are currently going.  He's worked to convince the forces of Order that Mannfred is a Chaos traitor, operating largely on his own.  Seeing Mannfred fighting alongside Nef or Arkhan would kind of counteract the narrative.

So if it were me, if I didn't get Mannfred first, I'd leave him for last.  But that's just me.

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The first one I got was Arkhan as I like to run skellies and he fits aesthetically. Gotta say though, I recently picked up Neferata and she is astounding. Her bubble of -1 to hit is unreal and when you combine it with a mournghuls and then combine it with a wight king with the cursed book... people can really struggle with that -3 to hit bubble! 

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It is actually pretty trivial to magnetize them so you don't have to choose! Though personally I vastly prefer Neferata as she is, in my opinion, a far more interesting character. But imo ultimately go with what inspires you most. Neither are a terribly competitive choice but aren't horrible either.

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Nef's a badass, 'nuff said. I'm definitely a Nef fan lore wise, and aesthetic wise - she's also pretty well balanced for her points in game, maybe worth 360-380, so not bad. (I'd say she's worth 380 as a general and more towards 360 or even less if she isn't a general).  Also if you don't like magnets, you can also use the advanced hobby aid known as blu-tac to keep your rider of choice in place for a few hours whilst they beat the ****** out of the armies of the living. Especially since you already have Arkhan seems like a waste of money to glue one of them on, unless you're going to run a list with all 3 most of the time / literally have money to burn, (in which case maybe still use blu-tac and research some charities).

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