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How should I start my Stormcast Eternals Army?

The Minty Penguin

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Honestly I would say get just that Blood & Thunder box for now (if anything else, get the easy to build retributors to bring you up to a full unit of 5 of them). The box contains a good amount of models quite cheap (the whole box is cheaper than the cost of just the stormcast units in there!), so you can use them to get a feel for building, painting and possibly some very small games. Also the hero you get in there can't be bought separately unless you go 3rd party, and you'll see him used in a large majority of SCE armies because he is very useful & cheap.

Don't forget you'll need assembling and painting supplies too, so factor that in when you're thinking of how much to spend on models


P.S - you posted this thread twice, might want to delete one of them

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