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Looking for conversion ideas for bullgors models


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Think Ogors is your safest bet if your looking to convert them then some other possibilities are to Khorne them up to the max, with skulls, give them a slick red paintjob and have them as some huge elite infantry of Khorne, and field them as Bloodcrushers, think the rules fit rather well imo. If you do go for that route I would look at getting Juggernaught head plate bits, which are faily cheap, would look pretty cool.


As Ogors then Mournfang cavalry would be pretty cool, with their manhackers, and mournfang tusk attacks. Perhaps a suitable Doombull model to use as a Huskard or Forstlord.



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Just note on conversions, The Bull Gore Models are about the same scale as the Daemon Prince Kit.  now 18 of them are a lot to use, I know  I converted 3 of them into daemon Princes without wings for my 40k KDK army a few years ago. 

I would also have another look at the bullgore rules, as with the battalions and supported correctly they are a fun army. Not the best but will be faily good! 

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