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Flesh Eater Courts Spell Lore


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Lore of Delusion

1. Curse of the Carrion King
The Flesh Eater Wizard's blood curse becomes so potent that everyone is caught up in the madness, losing their their martial senses in the confusion.

Curse of the Carrion King has a casting value of 7. Until your next hero phase,  all units within 18" of the caster receive -1 to hit (friend and foe, including the caster)

2. Friend or Foe?
The Flesh Eater Wizard calls out to the foe, mistaking them for allies. This causes the enemy themselves become confused, sometimes mistaking the Flesh Eaters as their own troops.

Friend or Foe? has a casting value of 6. Pick an enemy unit within 15" of the caster. This unit must roll a D6 at the start of each phase. On a 1-2, the unit cannot take any action in the phase. On a 3-6, the unit can act normally. In turn, if any unit from your own army wants to target the unit with a spell, attack, or ability, they must roll 3+ on a D6 as well, or may not target the unit for any reason until the end of the current phase. The spell lasts until any player rolls a 6 during this test.
3. Blood Bolt
The Flesh Eater Wizard calls upon ancient magics to manifest his own blood as a magical bolt of arcane energy.

Cursed Bolt has a casting value of 6. Pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster. The unit suffers 3 mortal wounds.

4. Emboldened by Madness
The Flesh Eater Wizard goads on his soldiers, who go into a frenzy to prove themselves on the battlefield. The unit fights with great vigor, scraping and clawing with great fortitude, sometimes at a detriment to their own saftey.

Emboldened by Madness has a casting value of 6. Pick a Flesh Eater Courts unit within 9" of the caster. Until your next hero phase, increase the rend of their attacks by 1, but for every hit roll of 1, their own unit receives a mortal wound.  

5. The Dark Hunger
As the blood curse fills the air, a nearby unit of Flesh Eaters is overcome by their own hunger, and feasts upon their own.

The Dark Hunger has a casting value of 7. Pick a  Flesh Eater Courts unit within 15" of the caster. The unit immediately suffers D3 mortal wounds, but has +1 to wound until your next hero phase. 

6. The Blood-Gift
The Flesh Eater Wizard gifts a drink of his own blood to satiate and replenish his soldiers for the battle ahead. 

The Blood-Gift has a casting value of 4. Pick a Flesh Eater Courts unit within 5" of the caster. The unit immediately heals 2 wounds. If the spell fails, the caster suffers a Mortal Wound. 

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Very cool idea, I assume you´d want to use it for Flesh Eater Courts Wizards? Some context behind the idea would be really nice to know.

My review:
1. I think it would be more interesting to have this work on a specific enemy unit instead with the same 18" range. The debuff bubble in general is not really making the game cooler in my opinion. It just means that it's a massive bubble.
2. As this latsts through the turn and possibly affects every phase I think it's another example of a lot of book keeping without specific added fun/coolness to the game. The narrative design behind it is also a bit odd. They are delusional but so far in lore I can't recall them working with enemies (suddenly) even if this was the case the effect of the spell doesn't really match up with that type of effect for me. 
3. Blood Bolt is fine, put it on casting level 7 and I think your working with two fair but powerful averages. 
4. Again a powerful effect is totally cool but casting level 7 or 8 would feel more appropriate to me. There are many ways to migate the downside of this spell within the faction, which is something I believe should be taken into context for this spell.
5. Book keeping make this a bit wonky to  me. The feasting upon their own from a narrative perspective is cool, I'd say +1 on their Deathless Courtiers save (leading to D3 wounds, then that 5++). Here I'd say a 6 casting value would be perfect. 
6. Fine with me.

One thing to keep in mind here is that most Spell Lores, as Artefacts, Command Traits etc. have a 50/50 ammount in very competative design spells and pure narrative design spells. When I look at the above ideas behind the Spell Lore list I'm just seeing spells who are directly designed to matter for competative play. This in itself isn't typical to AoS.

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The only one that i included for competitive is the bolt. Al lthe others which may have positive effects have negative effects to counterbalance, forcing 

The point of Curse of the Carrion King is that a Ghoul King, and any caster which shares a pure line to his blood, creates an aura of insanity. This is all over the lore. The -1 to hit affects everyone, meaning your army and your opponents army are all receiving -1 to hit. Forcing -1 to hit upon a single enemy unit is just about the most potent competitive spell you could have. Having to balance everyone receiving -1 to hit is a special tactical thing to try and bring everyone in the battle down a notch. Technically making the enemy hit you less improves FEC survivability since they can heal, though FEC would be much more hurt by this, having mostly 4+ to hit, compared to say Stormcast, who often hit on 3+.

Friend or Foe is the most lore based spell in here. The blood curse of an Abhorrent is so strong that FEC see themselves as armor-clad questing knights and the enemy as ghoulish monsters. There are even parts of the lore where the enemy gets too close to the curse and sees a Ghoul King as a shining golden armor clad warlord. This spell builds upon this idea where the blood curse becomes so potent that both sides start to be confused as to which is which.

 Emboldened by Madness is a powerful spell but with all the attacks that FEC have, you are likely to risk killing yourself to add rend, so its a tradeoff.

I added a casting value for dark hunger, this is a competitively good spell but it works similar to damned terrain, but doesn't step on its toes by doing the same thing. 


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As above, having a -1 to hit on a 18" area is pretty much effecting both the relevant complete armies and as before I don't really see it as a benifit or downside to anyone. This is the point I was trying to make initially, if you alter everything at once it's the same as altering nothing. I doubt people play the game to ensure they miss hit rolls. If you'd limit it to ranged attacks it would still be very powerful but at least not as game bending.

Friend or Foe's narrative standpoint makes sence but it effect really doesn't. Not thaking Actions has little to do with friends or foes. The moment you are on the battlefield the confusion in itself is rarely ever there. As before if it would froze a single phase with certainty it's effect wouldn't be possibly game bending. The spell in it's current form is arguably one of the best in the game, the fact that it only occurs on a 1-2 doesn't really matter, you have multiple 33% chance of succes while even skipping one phase in itself would be powerful enough, it could effect throughout a turn (every phase) for a casting cost of 6. 

Emboldened Madness isn't really a tradoff because the faction itself presents several Heroes that add removed models. 

I do believe the ideas are there and have some great initial designs however I also believe that effects like these are typical in being very game bending, this especially applies for spell 1, 2 and 5. They alter the game so much that it's almost unseen in the game to see these type of effects with very average casting requirements. When we look at other lores it's common to see 3 great spells and 3 spells that narratively make sence but don't add up in terms of competative play. This whole lore in it's current shape is all competative design, where the downsides arn't actually there because they synergize with the faction extremely well.

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