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Skaven infantry


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You have a very good basic force of Skaven and have several options on where to take your force from here.

You can continue with more clanrats, add some stormvermin, and go Clan Verminus, but unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you view it), they do not have any unique abilities being strictly verminus.

Therefore, if you go as strictly Chaos Alliegence you can really add anything Skaveny (or just chaos) that strikes your fancy. Like the look of the ninja rats (eshin)? Get some. Want to ring a giant bell of doom? Pick one up!

You can go down the Clan Skryre route and get some stormfiends, acolytes, and weapon teams and just use your clanrats as allies too if you do choose!

I guess the real question is are you looking to be super competitive? Having an answer there can allow for more specific advice otherwise you have a wonderful core of a fun army and can play with it and expand as you like!

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Don't forget that units get +1 bravery for each increment of 10 models in the unit at the point that the Battleshock roll is made (per the rules) . :)  (I forget that one all the time ...) but, larger units are better for low bravery. 

Use of inspiring presence helps as well if you're loosing rats to Battleshock.

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1 hour ago, WeedAndWargames said:

Cheers for that information guys, I like the idea of just using all kinds of chaosy things. After doing some more reading today I recon some more clanrats and stormvermin will be next! I need the numbers...

Yes we all do, and as long as you have fun painting them, keep adding them. And make sure you also check out the forgeworld selection of rats as they have some cool models :)https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-NL/Warhammer-Age-of-Sigmar?N=2767298007+178633434&Nr=AND(product.locale%3Aen_NL_fw%2Csku.siteId%3ANL_fw)&Nrs=collection()%2Frecord[product.startDate+<%3D+1504732680000+and+product.endDate+>%3D+1504732680000]

Also if your new to Age of Sigmar all together, don't forget the app. It's a great tool to look through the options with.

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