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Leadbelcher spray?


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New to wargaming, and new to paining.

I'm sure this question has been asked before, but even after browsing through 40 pages of topics here I was not able to find a solid answer.

I've decided to go with a silver armor theme for my Stormcast force, and I was wondering if it would be sufficient to use the Leadbelcher spray directly on the plastic, as basically both undercoat and basecoat. If I'm not mistaken I've seen Duncan sometimes use basepaint spray directly on the plastic, but I wanted to be sure I wouldn't be messing anything up if I went that route.

Any help would be very appreciated.


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I've used several of the sprays directly on the mini and they work fine.  You may still find some areas that didn't cover completely and you can just paint those spots.  For some reason, I still prime black with Leadbelcher.  I think it's just paranoia with metallics.

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I am not a fan of the sprays. I only have limited experience but bought the storm cast spray thinking it would save a lot of trouble.

I tried it on the bare plastic and also on Chaos black undercoated models and the coverage was woeful as well as being a different colour / look to the brush applied relictor armour. It came out a coppery colour. 

I havent tried any others and thought that it may just have been the metallic sprays are Härder to match.

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