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Rate my goblins (2k mixed Spiderfang & Moonclan)


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Grot Bigboss on Giant Spider (general) [100]

Grot Shaman on Arachnarok [280]

Grot Shaman [80]

Moonclan Grots x20 [130]

Fanatics x3 [100]

Moonclan Grots x20 [130]

Fanatics x3 [100]

Moonclan Grots x20 [130]

Fanatics x3 [100]

Spiderfang Grots x10 [200]

Spiderfang Grots x10 [200]

Rockgut Troggoths x6 [360]

《 Spare 90 points for 2nd shaman, 5 hoppers, whatever 》


Broad strategy is for the 3 units of Grots to spread a long front line and ensnare enemies before they can attack my spiders.

The fanatics will wreck the high armour chargers.

The trolls provide a load of tanky wounds to my front line (staying in range of the netters for extra tankiness). 

Hopefully the above protects the star of the show, the spider riders, who will be doing quadruple damage with the buffs from the general and arachnarok. They charge through gaps in the front line when my Grots heroically flee from battle, dealing a ton of mortal wounds. They spam arrows at squishy horde units too, missing mostly. 

The general hides at the back. The arachnarok gets stuck in scrapping with high armour  monster or hero stuff ideally. 

Bit worried about battleshock... 




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Have you considered 10 orruk boyz with bows for the remaining 90 points? I found them to be really nice list fillers that sit behind main line and get the +1 to hit bonus for standing and shooting. With running on first turn you can park them for the rest of the game in the middle of your side of the table and take potshots at heroes or whittling down some hordes while they remain a low priority target, so they're mostly safe and provide emergency objective grabber/board control/rear chaff unit. :) 

Second shaman is also a good idea to spam some spells - noone should diss a bolt every turn from the little git, and if one of them dies, the other can keep handing out shield! :D

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38 minutes ago, Klerych said:

Have you considered 10 orruk boyz with bows for the remaining 90 points? I found them to be really nice list fillers that sit behind main line and get the +1 to hit bonus for standing and shooting. With running on first turn you can park them for the rest of the game in the middle of your side of the table and take potshots at heroes or whittling down some hordes while they remain a low priority target, so they're mostly safe and provide emergency objective grabber/board control/rear chaff unit. :) 

Second shaman is also a good idea to spam some spells - noone should diss a bolt every turn from the little git, and if one of them dies, the other can keep handing out shield! :D

I'm definitely going to experiment with extra shaman. I really don't fancy painting more than I need to at this stage! Shaman still seems great value at 80 points. 

My fear is that my general isn't that tough and could get sniped. Will the arachnarok hide him from sight if in front of him? 

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9 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

My fear is that my general isn't that tough and could get sniped. Will the arachnarok hide him from sight if in front of him? 

Well, it depends on how does your local community do the line of sight. In my city (and probably country) we agreed that larger models can hide smaller ones, so you could, for example, hide a grot shaman behind a troggoth. Of course that works both ways as you can't, for example, shoot at something from behind a bigger model.

Some people like to play it with true line of sight, though, which means that your boss' spider's legs can be seen somewhere under Arachnarok's leg joints and thus making him "visible" to the shooter/attacker. Which is ridiculous. :D 

Overall I like the blocking thing better as it balances itself out. For example it makes units like freeguild guard block the line of sight for friendly handgunners if they are in combat with things like grots or dwarfs which are shorter than them. All in all just ask players in your FLGS how they do the line of sight in your area. :) 

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One option would also be to drop 3 fanatics and splurge for something like a unit of ironjawz ardboys.

If you're worried about the shaman being sniped try looking at the gitmob shaman, he doesn't get cotbm but gets to pawn some wounds onto nearby squads.

Or for 60 points you can get a pump wagon!

I believe a unit of 5 squigs and 2 handlers would be around 80 points if you wanted a more thematic option?

If I'm reading it right you are general destruction alligance? 

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General destruction yes. Don't see the point in a specific allegiance as neither have traits or abilities anyway. 

For flexibility yes I could trade out either fanatics or 3 trolls. I intend to experiment with both. 

I could get in another 10 spider riders. I rely on them for damage... 


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Yeah, I found out that the Giant is a really awesome model. In my games he butchered an oaken armour-protected Treelord Ancient or whatever that +1 to save artefact was. Compared to most behemoths near his price bracket he has usually more attacks that actually do hit (which is nice). Not to mention that you can fit him and an orruk boar chariot or a shaman for, what, 250 points? Hell, two of those will cost 340 points and they're sure to draw a lot of fire away from the rest of the army while providing lovely damage output. :D Currently I'm trying to squeeze one into a list with Mangler Squigs to have two scary beatsticks. Hopefully I'll be able to add some Troggoths to go in the middle of the army so they're ignored between the -1 from netters and "bigger" threats on flanks while they pull their own weight very well. :D 

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I feel for my army that the arachnarok fills the slot for tanky bohemoth better than the giant as it can also buff my spider units. 

But I totally see it working great in other lists! I already have 360 points of low synergy trolls you see.

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18 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

I feel for my army that the arachnarok fills the slot for tanky bohemoth better than the giant as it can also buff my spider units. 

But I totally see it working great in other lists! I already have 360 points of low synergy trolls you see.

As a stinkin Grot ya can never have to many things bigga than you ta make sure ya don't get shot at!

Yeah the arachnarok does a similar role but also has a shaman on it, having something similar to draw fire would be cool. Nice that there are some srs choices and small options for personalising lists now.


Swapping out 3 of your trolls (180) for a giant (170) would give you 100 points spare so that you could fit in another 5 spider riders if you wanted. There's a ton of wiggle room in your list it's really nice.

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1 hour ago, Malakree said:

As a stinkin Grot ya can never have to many things bigga than 


Swapping out 3 of your trolls (180) for a giant (170) would give you 100 points spare so that you could fit in another 5 spider riders if you wanted. There's a ton of wiggle room in your list it's really nice.

Yeah that's the plan. I have about 2500 points of stuff to swap about and experiment with. The second troll unit is high on the maybe swap list, and more spider riders top of swap-in list! 

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