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AoS (not so anonymous) Anonymous


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It just struck me now looking at my desk that I may have a problem xD

AoP board on the go (propped up with model boxes), painting my Stardrake with a bit of Duncan input and Listening to Vince and Co. on his Roundtable.

How 'Warhammer' are you guys? Similar issues going on with lack of space? Most of my models are actually under beds and on wardrobes xD20170827_202711.jpg.51ed1edf12979c2202c64b4847bdd5ef.jpg

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My models, scenery, and books (mine and the ones I inherited from my brother when he quit the hobby) take up about 2 and a half rooms worth of space between my house and my parent's house.  I have boxes upon boxes of unpainted, on sprue, partially painted, and finished models throughout, and then many shelving units full of army and rule books for at least 12 different editions of all the different games I have played over the years.  I mean, I can field an entire Space Marine Battle Company with all the un-built Space Marines I have ON SPRUE, not counting the ones in any state of assembled or painted.

If you ask me, Freddie Mercury sang the wargamer's national anthem: "I want it all!"

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