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Waaagh! from AZ, USA


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Hello my fellow wargamers! I found this community through the AoS reddit page and I have to say I am very glad that I did. I have been in the war gaming scene for about 4 years now as I started 40k just before 6th edition came out. I started playing fanasty just before the End Times were announced so I am obviously still pretty new to all of this. But I love it! Though I am very intimidated to paint my models as I am not very good currently.

I started playing Age of Sigmar right when it came out, though it did take some getting use to. But I liked it due to the fact that it wasn't as competitive as other games I have played, which is a breath of fresh air as my meta is very much so. I missed the days of playing a fun game and hanging out instead of playing a game just to win in a not so fun way. Sadly the area I live in was not as receptive of AoS as I was and thus after about a month I had nobody to play with. But it would seem others are now having a growing interest and I aim to help build a local community of players when I can.

I started off with my old Orcs&Goblins and I now have a starting for of Ironjawz. When I saw them I knew I had to have an army off just them. They are so cool! I had always wanted to field an army of just black orcs back in fantasy but never could sadly. But now, the waaagh is back! Bigger and greener than before! For Gorkamorka!

I am excited to see where this community goes and I am always up for a chat about whatever so stop by and say hello!

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Thank you both for the welcomes.

I have to say I love the Orcs/orruks. They are just so much fun to me.

I will post pictures of my growing army soon. Though, they are unpainted as of right now, I plan to change that. The problem is finding a paint scheme that I want to do, as well as a name for them. Those are always the hard parts.

I went ahead and posted to the map and will hopefully be getting some games in soon. After today I will be a little inactive until Monday due to Phoenix Comiccon but afterwards I'll be back in the groove of things! Hope you all are having a great day or night, depending on where you live.

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