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Yae or Nay to a reimagined (original) Space Crusade painting WIP project.


Yae or Nay to a reimagined Space Crusade painting WIP project.  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it ok to create a Space Crusade painting log in this forum?

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This is an Age of Sigmar forum, and Space Crusade (the original MB one) is not AOS, would anyone mind if I created a painting log about my Space Crusade project? I completely understand if the answer is no, this is an AOS forum and it's not an AOS game. However I like this forum the best, so I would like to share it here. 

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Thanks for the positive responses, it is one of the reasons I like this place so much. I will give a little more info into what I’m planning.

Space Crusade was the game that got me into wargaming, I had no idea stuff like this even existed until my brother brought it home from his activities week at school when I was 10. The only board games I had played were Monopoly, Cluedo and Guess Who. Anyway for a while now I have been thinking about trying to scratch build Space Crusade. After looking into many possibilities I decided it was going to be too difficult to design all the game components like the blips, cards etc myself, I do not have any form of graphic design ability and it would be difficult to get them printed on decent card. I looked into getting something like a BattleSystems set for the board, but at the moment that is still in the maybe stage. And I planned to replace the models with modern equivalents. I have been searching sporadically on ebay for years looking for Space Crusade always humming and hawing over whether it was worth it, I was only looking for the components this time, but a complete set turned up in amazing condition for a great price so I bought that. I still plan on replacing all the models with modern equivalents and that what this log would be about, I am in two minds on whether to paint the originals or not, I think they look better unpainted, the old models look very compressed, and when they are painted it exaggerates this look. I am not trying to think about how much this is costing me, I just bought Betrayal at Calth along with an order from Forgeworld and that will only cover the marines. The best thing is to never consciously add it all up. I am also wary of playing the game again, seems like there is so much riding on it, what if it hasn’t aged well? Then I will have to add up all that money and go hide under some coats. This project will be a slow burn anyway, I have a full time job, I’m married and I have a young daughter, so I have limited time for this sort of thing. Whatever the result she can play with it when she’s a bit older.

So again if is not the place for it that’s fine, I don't visit 40k forums that often and that's where this should be posted, they are just a bit too much for me, this place is just a really great forum so it'd be nicer to do it here, and I thought it would be interesting project to do a log about. It will probably help me find the motivation when you get to those points when you start to get burned out on it. 

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