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Dabbling in Destruction!


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I'm pretty much wrapped up my Bloodbound for the short term, so was hunting for my next AoS project.  Many, many moons ago I picked up some Ogre Kingdom bits with the intention of starting an army which have since sat at the back of the cupboard for a long time.  

So I've had a rummage and dug out the following bits:

  • 9 Ogor bodies (2 x Ironguts, 2 x Banner bearers, 1 x Iron fist, 4 x armless + two Irongut weapons) - all now on 40mm bases
  • Stonehorn/Thundertusk body - so just need to pick up a single box and can make one of each behemoth
  • Ironblaster (well I've found the Rhinox, the rest must be somewhere?)
  • Metal Tyrant with pistols
  • Metal Maneater Ninja + Lady Ogor

Overall a fairly solid start without spending a penny!

I've never really looked at Destruction with the intention of building an army, so I'm after some advice on what to do with this lot and a way forward is appreciated.  I'm happy to drop a bit of cash on new bits and bobs and want something different to my Bloodbound - so some magic, shooting, no red paint etc.

Now, I'm more than happy to field a mixed destruction force - in fact, I'd quite like to! (happy with Forge World too)  I've always enjoyed painting greenskins of all varieties and some of my earliest painted models that still hold up to scrutiny are Orks and Hobgoblins, but I know there will be certain combinations that work well and others that don't.  I've odd random Oruk models - a number from Games Days, Grumlock and Gizbag and did spot a half painted arachnarock but again happy to pick up some things.

I don't have an issue in not fielding some of the items above too - the metal models will be a pain to transport so if I end up doing something different, that's fine by me, though it would be a shame to not utilise the 9 Ogor bodies I've got.


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Welcome to the best grand alliance!

You know, I've been working hard on a Chaos force myself. But I have this weird loyalty to Destruction... I love me some green skin. When I think about another Seasons of War campaign, I can't bring myself to further Chaos' reign. Because, really, there's too much order to their anarchy. Give me some jacked up hooligans to cause mayhem for no reason. That's the horse I want to back.

Anyway, Ogors are great battleline for mixed Destruction, if that's how you want to go! I'm coming back to Destro with Ogors and Gitmob. Personally, I didn't like the idea of fielding destruction units that weren't green, so I'm going a different way with it:



As for what you should make, A unit of six ogors and 3 IGs is a good start (I see you only have two of the latter, but converting one of the banner bearers into one should just be as easy as an IG head and some shields pasted on)! The general consensus is that Ironguts are a tad expensive for what they do, but they are still really good (and if the skirmish book is any indication, they look like they'll be going down 20 or 40 points). Do you have any other bits than that you listed? If not, don't worry - another Ogor kit will give you plenty to fill it out. As for your metal models, a Tyrant is a really good character, and Maneaters are good too (you'd just need two more). Have you come up with any lists that you'd like to paint/run?

Good luck!

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@Furious awesome oggors!! Iv been tempted by this idea. Saw it a few years back as savage ogres on a Warhammer 8th ed army. What heads do you know that work for size ect if you don't mind me asking? 

@RuneBrush I know nothing to help I'm afraid. But welcome to the destruction party!! I look forward to seeing your progress. Keep us posted! 

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3 hours ago, Tom said:

@Furious awesome oggors!! Iv been tempted by this idea. Saw it a few years back as savage ogres on a Warhammer 8th ed army. What heads do you know that work for size ect if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks! Yeah I didn't come up with the idea myself either. 

I use 40k Nobz heads. I find them to be the perfect size. Normal orruk heads (Greenskinz, savage, space ork) are too small, and I suspect Brute heads may be too small as well. Ard Boy helmets are great too - I'm saving them for when I do Ironguts. 

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15 hours ago, Furious said:

Welcome to the best grand alliance!

You know, I've been working hard on a Chaos force myself. But I have this weird loyalty to Destruction... I love me some green skin. When I think about another Seasons of War campaign, I can't bring myself to further Chaos' reign. Because, really, there's too much order to their anarchy. Give me some jacked up hooligans to cause mayhem for no reason. That's the horse I want to back.

Anyway, Ogors are great battleline for mixed Destruction, if that's how you want to go! I'm coming back to Destro with Ogors and Gitmob. Personally, I didn't like the idea of fielding destruction units that weren't green, so I'm going a different way with it:

Cheers!  Know what you mean about Chaos being quite ordered :S  I think there's always been something in that greenskin/desctruction attitude that's a bit "what does this button do?".

Liking the green Ogor variation!  I'm trying to work out something a bit different for mine, I don't want traditional pink flesh but think I'm after something different to the green skins as it'll give me more variety to paint!  I ended up doing roughly half of my Bloodbound with a pale/alabaster skin colour so I'd have a bit of a change whilst painting :)

15 hours ago, Furious said:

As for what you should make, A unit of six ogors and 3 IGs is a good start (I see you only have two of the latter, but converting one of the banner bearers into one should just be as easy as an IG head and some shields pasted on)! The general consensus is that Ironguts are a tad expensive for what they do, but they are still really good (and if the skirmish book is any indication, they look like they'll be going down 20 or 40 points). Do you have any other bits than that you listed? If not, don't worry - another Ogor kit will give you plenty to fill it out. As for your metal models, a Tyrant is a really good character, and Maneaters are good too (you'd just need two more). Have you come up with any lists that you'd like to paint/run?

Good luck!

I managed to find a little bit of time last night and the back banner bearer has an IG head ready (and shield/shoulder pads) - will paint the heads for those separately as it looks quite awkward to do otherwise.  Fingers crossed on the points drop!  I also managed to pop off the Iron Fist, so can have the other 6 dual-wielding.  I've not found anything else squirrelled away yet so happy to take suggestions for purchases (though I'm sure I had Nazgob from WHQ - which I think is the new Orruk Great Shaman model).

I've not put any real thought into lists on what I fancy painting/running beyond a solid core of Ogors - I definitely want to add some greenskins :P  Not sure about what general would be best suited?  Most seem to be very sub-faction focused at initial glance which is quite a bit different to what I'm used to (most of my Khorne bits is simply keyword Khorne/Khorne Mortal).

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So, a warning from the modeling side. The Blood Bowl Ogre is smaller in size than a normal bull (I'll see if I can get pictures up when I get home). It's also a little harder to convert over into say, a Tyrant due to that size. The 40k Ogryns however, are great to use, either as squad leaders or a Tyrant (or Maneater) substitute.

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'Ardboy, Blood Bowl Orc, Ogor Bull, and Blood Bowl Ogre left to right. All are on 32mm bases (I'll be basing my Ogors on 40mm). I'm still trying to think of a conversion for the BB Ogre to make it look bigger. It may end up being all in the basing though.IMG_0043.JPG.f37f77e3dd3051da9884efd5c8ef1c1a.JPG

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On 2017-6-16 at 4:21 PM, Tuluth said:

So, a warning from the modeling side. The Blood Bowl Ogre is smaller in size than a normal bull (I'll see if I can get pictures up when I get home). It's also a little harder to convert over into say, a Tyrant due to that size. The 40k Ogryns however, are great to use, either as squad leaders or a Tyrant (or Maneater) substitute.

Cheers for that!  The BB Ogur is surprisingly smaller isn't he!  I may have to investigate 40k Ogryns :)

Sadly no extra work on my models this weekend as I was working on airbrushing my 40k Imperial Knights.  I did manage to pickup a Butcher, some Leadbelchers and another sprue of Ogors, so reckon that's my "core" pretty much sorted.  Reckon greenskins next on the list to consider ;)

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