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Flying and another thing



Hi guys, this might seem like a dumb question but I'm unsure about the rules for flying. If a model has a fly attribute can they literally move anywhere on the table? I know they can't go within a certain distance to an enemy... Also, if they fly in round 1, do they land in round 1, and can then charge that turn, or are they in the air so to speak for the rest of the turn, and land during round 2?

Also, if you retreat from combat, is there a penalty for doing so? Like, does the enemy get a free hit or something? It seems strange to be able to just disengage?

Again, apologies if these are dumb questions, but I'm new to the game and have only played solo thus far!


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You can move up to your movement characteristic, usually 12". You can ignore terrain and other models as long as you end your move more than 3" from an enemy but not more than your movement from your starting point. 

The drawback of retreating is that you cannot then charge later in the turn. (unless you have a special rule)

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Flying units follow all the regular rules for movement, combat, etc. that a non-flying unit would follow.  The only exception to this is, as per the 4-page rules, "If the warscroll for a model says that the model can fly, it can pass across models and scenery as if they were not there".   In addition, follow any additional rules that may be located on that specific units warscroll.

'Landing' is not a thing in Age of Sigmar rules.  A unit that is flying is still considered to take up a physical footprint on the table the same as any other model would (unless a special rule located on a warscroll specifically dictates otherwise).  You measure to and from the model (or base) as you normally would.

When a unit has a asterisk (*) in place of a numerical value in one of its statistic spots then you usually must refer to the chart located on their warscroll in order to find out what that number is in accordance with the number of wounds they have suffered.

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Hello! Yesterday I played a 2k point game against a flying army. Some of my opponents units landed on top of terrain pieces of which the models were either too big to stand on or wobbleled so much that the model fell off the terrain piece. Instead of having the model on the actual spot he replaced it with a dice. Can you do that? 

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1 hour ago, Fredenkvist said:

Hello! Yesterday I played a 2k point game against a flying army. Some of my opponents units landed on top of terrain pieces of which the models were either too big to stand on or wobbleled so much that the model fell off the terrain piece. Instead of having the model on the actual spot he replaced it with a dice. Can you do that? 

Yes you can. 

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