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Xanax Lot



This guy I painted for the Golden Serpent competition on Lustria Online last Year:

With the idea in my mind of an agile and striking old blood pursuing a victim across the jungle I started working on this mini.

The first step was to make the Olblood look unique, to do this I used some bits from the carnosaur kit and the remaining weapon and head options for the old blood to create my guy. The first step was choosing the correct Bits, I did this by using silly Putty to put the pieces together and pose my guy:



After that I glued everything together, magnetized the arm so that it could have different weapon options and used green stuff to sculpt everything together:


After this I had to create the base, for it I used cold porcelain and a mixture of branches earth and stone:


Than it was time to start painting the guy on top.

I first started with a Black Primer.


Than I proceded to paint it to have a base of the colors I thought would give me a good starting point for my end result. At this point I already knew that I wanted to use Blue, Yellow and Pink in my model and that I wanted it to be super saturated


After I had my base colors ready, I started to work on the skin and the transition to the scales, making it so that it wasn't so abrupt. The skink I tried to use a mixture of purple and brown for the recesses and highlight with a mixture of yellow and bone on the edges, this was probably the longest part 


I continued doing this until I felt confortable with the results, at which point I added some small dots to the pectoral muscles to give it a little more depth.



Following this I worked on the scales, here I used very simple techniques of layering the blues to get to a lighter blue at the edge of the scales, and I decided to break the monotony by  painting the middle scales different.IMG_1509.jpg.0aba4496a10097cad7ab734d3e5df273.jpg

Latter was time for the face, and probably the part that I enjoyed the most, I pretty much used the same technics explained before but added sume glossy medium to the mouth


the last part was the metals, and a slight OSL on the hand of the gods weapon he carriesIMG_1504.jpg.e7fb902700676392a768a8f939a6486a.jpg


Having finished the Oldblood I worked on the Goblin, the hardest par here was working on the face and the free hand designs.IMG_1101.jpg.62c6e6ad2880467b5a4f0c8527e834b9.jpgIMG_1104.jpg.415ae6879caf6c6913a4733b819f8f91.jpgIMG_1111.jpg.07195285671e849883c2033374bfa85a.jpgIMG_1112.jpg.83c12d5a45614d1f988e18f927cb9058.jpgIMG_1117.jpg.254542b20659c22c26d8af8d5095f572.jpgIMG_1118.jpg.577b6be5f2a9b84fcd8aa27923794837.jpg


Here is How It ended up looking after everything was put together:








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Glad you like them men, If people are interested in this I can keep posting some more WIPS. The Idea as I mentioned before is to improve our skills by receiving feedback and sharing techniques

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It's very interesting to see the process you took to get to a Golden Demon level of painting. I usually just see the finished project in White Dwarf.

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7 minutes ago, Mars_Ranger said:

It's very interesting to see the process you took to get to a Golden Demon level of painting. I usually just see the finished project in White Dwarf.

Thanks Man! you are very generous, but to be honest I don't feel even close to being a Golden Deamon Level painter. But hopefully some day I will get there. Like to keep my hopes up :)

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